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Unable to Sync after update to IOS 13.1.3

I have a Garmin Edge Explore and after upgrading my iPhone to ios 13.1.3 the Garmin is not automatically uploading to Garmin Connect anymore. Also manual upload does not work properly.

I have set the settings of the iPhone to the suggested settings but nothing works.

Garmin Connect app shows a green bullet to indicate it is connected to Edge Explore, but trying to sync is resulting in a red triangle indicating an error.

I use an iPhone X with ios 13.1.3

The Garmin Explore is on software version

  • Yes I’ve got the same problem and what you said I’ve got the 810 Garmin i’ve absolutely tried everything there’s only one way round it and that’s to plug your Garman into the computer and do it manually on the Strava site that I did yesterday but then I went back out again today and in the same situation again uploaded Garmin Hell line  I don’t really help you Don’t get me wrong I’ve done the update I so 30 and it’s been working but 20 times but they had a couple of guys that don’t I still wanna know why it’s not working properly POP

  • For me the latest Garmin connect ( solved the following issues (All) Weather, Live track, activity sync. HW iPhone 11 with iOS 13.2 Forrunner 945.

    Tested now with a couple of activitys. With the older connect Software LiveTrack constant broke after 1 - 3 km, now 20 km was no problem. 

    In Sum for me a good sign. But there is no error / incident culture at Garmin at all :-( There is definitely room to improve. 

  • Which firmware is on your 945? I’m still on 2.8 but have still connection problems. Simply won’t connect to mu Iphone 11. Sometimes it connects but most of the time it doesn’t connect 

  • Hi I’m in the same situation as you the only way round it is to go onto strava  on the computer and manually upload it and that’s okay because I’ve done it but it does piss you off that how about this Garmin  810 for a few years now it’s only since that update on the iPhone I’ve had a problem this problems occur twice on the trot one and 40 miles on one on 30 I can’t spend me live trying to find a problem with it Garman help line don’t really do a lot for me If there’s anybody that knows how to get round it I’ve tried everything sometimes it works sometimes it don’t show the settings must be okay

  • did you upload the new garmin connect app?  and download the latest 3.63 beta?  because that fixed everything for me. (not sure which one)

  • Oh my god, this is so bloody frustrating! Sometimes my watch syncs but randomly. I’m using Garmin Coach, which is completely useless if you can’t sync with your phone.

    Had similar issues with my previous Garmin too.

    Just bloody fix it Garmin!!

  • Hi.  The issue for the majority of users (including me) in this thread was indeed fixed by Garmin with the latest version of GC.  I am guessing this has not helped you so would suggest raising a support case for your particular challenge.  (but just incase - check you have latest version of GC -

  • It still works.... but latest firmware for marq athlete came with missing fonts so menus unreadable.......  this was fixed in under 24 hours though once reported to support.....

  • BT syncing in GCM is apparently fixed for me, but there still seem to be some kind of conflict between the Connect and ConnectIQ apps, causing syncing to fail when both apps are running at the same time.

    So, if all your apps and firmware are running the latest versions and you still have sync issues in GCM - make sure ConnectIQ is not running in the background.