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Unable to Sync after update to IOS 13.1.3

I have a Garmin Edge Explore and after upgrading my iPhone to ios 13.1.3 the Garmin is not automatically uploading to Garmin Connect anymore. Also manual upload does not work properly.

I have set the settings of the iPhone to the suggested settings but nothing works.

Garmin Connect app shows a green bullet to indicate it is connected to Edge Explore, but trying to sync is resulting in a red triangle indicating an error.

I use an iPhone X with ios 13.1.3

The Garmin Explore is on software version

  • May very well be the case. I'll update if it breaks again

    Weather is definitely still broken

  • I also see things have slightly improved with this update. Notifications are finally stable, but as others have reported, other syncing and weather is still broken. It’s stilla step forward, but I would have expected more by now.

  • Heads up on a potential issue for those who can't sync.

    I record an activity every day.  Yesterday on a run activity I noticed that mileage wasn't incrementing.  Stopping the activity and then trying to save or discard both resulted in the save/discard endlessly spinning until I powered off the watch by holding the button till it shut off.

    I suspected that what happened was too much data had built up on the watch since I haven't been able to sync due to this issue, so certain new data couldn't be written.  So I sync'd with the Garmin Express for Windows software/USB.  That fixed it, mileage incremented again and I could save/discard activities without issue.

    I'm going to sync using Garmin Express/USB until this Garmin Connect issue is resolved.

  • I just tried to sync a 2h lasting activity with my old iPhone 6S and the most recent GCM Update. The phone is running iOS 12.2. The sync took approx. 2 minutes but it worked. So it’s probably not only an issue with GCM solely but with iOS 13 in combination. 

  • Either iOS 13.2 or the latest GCM update appearto have resolved this issue for me. 24 hrs in and no sync issues. No red exclamation mark and weather data also updating. 

  • I spoke too soon :-/... (the red exclamation mark is back)

  • iOS 13.2 with newest GCM synched my 2h lasting activity not worked yesterday. I tried it just after the update. It behaved exactly the same way like on iOS 12.2. I will try it again with a new 2h activity. Stay tuned. 

  • Correct it's back. It is a weird one, this mornings Swim was fine by then the run home from the pool red ! and not sync activity..even though the steps have synced. I think they have a server issue at Garmin, probably something to do with AWS I'd say..

  • Yes, I can confirm that. My second test with a 2h activity failed. Back to start...

  • My activities last night synced post GC ( and iOS (13.2) update last night. In fact everything  finally working again. Even notifications finally seemed to all come through and not just on restarts of the phone.

    This morning however whilst notifications are fine, activities have again refused to sync suggesting the issue is still definitely there. It’s worth mentioning that something odd happened this morning where the watch asked to re-pair, but unlike what it has been late seemed to pair ok. Unfortunately this was a false dawn, as sync again has to be done via the work around methods.

    I will keep monitoring.

    FYI - for other reasons I also decided to totally wipe my phone and restore from iCloud. I also wonder whether this temporarily helped, only to be led back to the no syncs?

    This certainly is frustrating.