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Garmin Connect app broken for Android tablets. Watch won't pair with the 4.75 release

Is the app broken for Android tablets? My watch won't pair with the 4.75 release of the app. Last successful sync was with 4.74.1

I do see the other posts in a related thread and can also see the complaints on the play store that indicate others are having the exact same problem. So I know I am not raising something new here.

But I was just on a chat with support and they said there is no known issue related to tablets. I would liked to know if Garmin is saying that the current version of the app does work with Android tablets (suggesting that I have some hardware problem) or if there is a fix coming. Does anyone have any info here?


  • J'ai fait le même constat avec ma tablette realme pad et ma montre vívoactive 5. La réinstallation de l'ancienne version 4.74.1 a retabli la synchronisation. J'ai donc supprimé la mise à jour automatique....

  • They really ought to make an announcement. No they do not monitor this.

  • Two weeks and no fix is very lame from Garmin. I will note however that Samsung also put out an Android tablet update on 1st Feb. I don't see issues with any other bluetooth devices with either my Vivoactive nor my Samsung tablet. I wonder if the issue is some kind of bad interaction between the two vendor's updates. Has anyone tried also reporting this problem to Samsung support ?

  • The problem is not specifically with Samsung it is with all tablets including iPads. I was told this by garmin support US. I never updated my tablet. This is an architecture problem and I an sure the company is exploring how this could happen. 

  • My last update (Samsung S9) was 24th Nov, so that thought doesn't seem likely to be a source of the problem on my tablet. 

  • It is the app. It is the app.

  • I don't know if this is helpful or anyone could get an idea how to circumnavigate the possible problem: 

    I had contact to the german support team and they suggested that it may be that the bluetooth connection of the tablet is faster than the app is able to establish it.

    I tried everything like so many others and nothing helped.

    Unfortunately I got only a tablet and now I can't use the watch, which I bought only 4 weeks ago properly.

    And I have to admit that I don't understand in which way the software of tablets is this different from the one on phones that the app works or in this case won't.

    The support team told me to wait to be notified by email of an update of the app.

  • It is definitely the app. If you read through the threads you will see that this occurred after a Garmin update. 

  • I agree, most definately the App. My watch paired with my Android phone, with no problems for 6 or 7 months.  Following the update, app unable to pair with watch.  Tried  every suggestion, nothing works.  This is my 3rd watch following failures of my previous ones & now the app has failed.  NOT GREAT........