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Upload problems - GPX or TCX in Garmin Edge 1000


I have problems when I upload GPX or TCX course files in NewFiles folder. I make the upload, turn the Garmin Edge 1000 on and the files are not in the courses folder.

How can I solve this? 

This happened only recently. Before it worked very nice this way. 



  • on the old device I have about 250 activities. the old device sees all 250 of them. the old device is EDGE 1000. when transferred to EDGE 1040 - the new device sees ONLY the last 100 activities in the device menu. And the rest does not see. The rest just hang as files in the file system of the new device, but the MENU does NOT see them.

  • I use garmin connect, the calendar sees everything. but in the new device, the archive sees only 100 activities

  • The devices are not meant to archive activities. That is, you are supposed to remove the old ones periodically.