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Live Track Autostart not working

I've been using Autostart with LiveTrack for many months without problem. However, for no obvious reason it has suddenly stopped working. When I start a ride LiveTrack no longer automatically starts.

Starting LiveTrack manually works fine and I receive notifications from my phone on my 820 - all of which seems to eliminate any Bluetooth connectivity issues. Both phone (Android, Samsung S7 Edge) and 820 have the latest software installed.

Anyone had a similar issue, or, even better, know the cause and solution?
  • Update on my previous post. Just to be sure I deleted the Connect App and re-installed it from scratch. It works!!! at least with the app open on the phone. Let's see how reliable this now is. I am interested to hear if others also get it working with a clean GCM 4.7. Please let me know.
  • Update on my previous post. Just to be sure I deleted the Connect App and re-installed it from scratch. It works!!! at least with the app open on the phone. Let's see how reliable this now is. I am interested to hear if others also get it working with a clean GCM 4.7. Please let me know.

    Thanks for that tip, it helped us also! :-)
  • Hello.
    I got it working already.
    Un-installed the app from smartphone. Then installed the app again.
    It started working.

  • Tried re-installing the app a month ago (after FW 9.0 and connect app update) but it didn't fix the problem back than.
    After the latest suggestions in this thread I tried it again today. And now livetrack seems to be working. Tried it 3 times this evening and all succesful.
    There was an update of the connect app 2 weeks ago. Maybe the solution is within that update.
  • I also suffer from this problem with android and v9.0 firmware. I have found out that only after completely removing and re-installing the Connect app (+ the ble connection) the live track function works again. But to my experience this is only temporary. Already the next week after restarting the garmin edge 820, the same error of "not being able to send invitations"even when manually started. This makes it practically impossible to use the function. I just installed the v9.1 firmware and again reinstalled the 4.7 connect app. It works for now, but lets see for how long!!
  • I still have the same issue - that LiveTrack no longer works (neither autostart nor manual start).

    GCM Version for iPhoneX and iOs 11.4. Garmin Edge 510
  • GCM Version for iPhoneX and iOs 11.4. Garmin Edge 510

    This workaround works on iOS too :

    Delete the connect app from the phone

    Reinstall the connect app

    Connect to your Garmin equipment

    Setup Livetrack
  • Had issues with livetrack (autostart) for a few months as well.
    Reinstall did not help.
    My solution was install GCM on another phone (tablet), Start livetrack at that one once (Which worked surprisingly).
    Reconnect to my phone again and it works again.
    (So apparently some server problem) stopped again :(
  • Thank you for the details reported here. I will get this issue reported to our team for investigation.

    Hi Shawn
    I have made several attempt to post on this forum and none seem to appear.
    I purchased an Edge 1000 in June 2018 and successfully setup the Live Tracking so my wife could track me on her iphone 7 Plus.
    All was well for about a month when I had notification of a large software update which required me to purchase and install a sim. Since installed the Live Tracking has stopped working. Any Ideas on a resolution please? Please can you post a response on the forum and email me on [email][email protected][/email]. Many thanks
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago
    I have the same problem Live Tracking just is not working anymore, not happy with Garmin