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Unable to upload courses

Last week I suddenly found that I am unable to upload any courses to any of my Edge 25s that I have. I have 3 units so I know that it is not isolated to one unit. Has anyone else experienced this and do you have a get around. I have tried resetting a unit and simply achieved having a unit with no data air courses.

  • Seconded, this seems to be an issue caused by the last update

  • This is the last reply I received:-

    'Thank you for getting back in touch.

    Garmin has not stopped supporting or troubleshooting the Edge 25, but as there seems to be a fault with you not being able to download routes to your device, it would need to be replaced. However, as this device is no longer manufactured, we are unable to offer this. The only way forward for this device is with the Trade In, Trade Up scheme, which you have said you are uninterested in. '

    Strange that all 3 of my devices have all become faulty at the same time. If anyone gets any further than I have, please let me know.  Garmin do not want to play with me.

  • Really disappointed in this response, so basically the last Garmin update caused this, and was either intentional to try and make those of us that bought and use these previously excellent devices, to 'buy more ***', or it was a mistake and they are not bothered and we have to 'buy more ***'.

    Presumably it's the latter, as this update did not affect uploading courses on my older Edge 200.

    I am sure more of these complaints will be registered as spring/summer break and more people start riding again/wanting to upload courses.

    I will be updating and to notify people there.

    I was up for buying another device with 'full' navigation, but won't consider a Garmin again if this is the official response.

  • Same exact issue with my Edge 20. My last successful course upload was around October 2, 2023. Since then a software update seems to have broken things. I can see the course is transferred to the NEWFILES folder by Garmin Express but then it disappears without being added to courses. This seems to be a formatting issue with newer .FIT courses created by Garmin. It might just be how things are getting formatted on their servers now, not your device.

    My current solution is to download the .GPX course file from Garmin Connect and then convert it to a compatible .FIT using this tool that was made by another Edge 25 owner: I then manually transfer the .FIT to the NEWFILES folder and it then appears under courses.

    I don't understand why Garmin, a major corporation known for their GPS expertise, can't fix something that an Edge owner was able to do in their spare time.

  • Excellent.  Just tried it and it all works.  As you say it seems to be something going wrong when the files are being converted/compiled when being transferred from the New Files folder to the Course folder.  My Edge 25 lives on.  Thanks for the heads up on this.

  • I have raised a support ticket with Garmin on this. The issue as you have identified above looks to be due to a FIT protocol update.

  • Thank you all for your participation in this forums thread. We are able to reproduce this and are working on getting this resolved. You will receive an update in this thread or via email once this is resolved. 

  • Thank you Sara from Garmin. I think that we look forward to getting hold of the fix so that we can once again fully utilise our Edge 25s.  Hopefully many more rides ahead.

  • Hi Sara, how will the message be sent to other interested onlookers, who need a solution? I have the same problem as the others in this thread and wasted a few hours today until I got to this page. There will be others in the same situation.

  • Thank you Sara. Do you know when there will be a solution?