Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
This has been addressed in software version 21.16 which is currently in beta: Public Beta Version 21.16 - 100%.
Feel free to wait until our live software version is released to test the fix, but if you…
Thank you for sharing. Although Sleep detection issues are most often tied to missing requirements listed in My Sleep Statistics Are Not Displaying in Garmin Connect (no heart rate data, a majorly inaccurate…
Yep, woke up this morning and HRV and Sleep weren't recorded
Same here , last two snaps were not recorded. Also there was no REM during sleep
Same here. Using FR255, I slept (really) around 6 hours this morning and my watch only recorded 48 minutes!
And it will ruin my HRV and sleep score and will impact to my daily suggestion as well.
My battery…
1. Yes
2. Yes @ 20.29
Don't remember, but within the usual range.
Sleep wasn't detected on 21.9.2024 night when 20.29 was installed.
4. Done
5. Yes
6. Yes
1. yes;
2. 20.26;
3. seems recorded randomly and rarely, and never recorded naps;
4. yes;
5. yes;
I believe this is an important part of the system, as all the calculation and analysis depends on the sleep data. Please fix it ASAP, it makes our devises futile.
1. Yes, I meet all the sleep requirements.
2. Yes, started with 20.29. I've had two days of "no sleep detected" even though it has all the HR and other necessary data.
3. It has happened twice to me. 8 hours for both.
4. Yes. Look at September 30th and October 15th.
5. Yes, feel free to email.
Hello. My Forerunner 955 which I got on december 29 2023, stopped recording sleep and hrv 2 days ago. On Saturday, October 19th, I slept around 11 hours none of which got recorded. Similarly last night, and I'm concerned it'll happen again tonight. I am on version 20.33. Battery saver is not enabled. I consider this error to be a factory malfunction and am strongly considering making use of my warranty. Please help me fix this asap.
1. It is an intermittent issue for me. Sleep tracking works most nights, but randomly fails.
2. I'm not entirely sure when it began. I have had my watch for more than two years, but only had problems with sleep tracking since sometime in the last six months or so.
3. I think most issues have been on nights of 8 hours or more, but I can't really recall as I have had this issue for a while without taking notes.
4. yes
5. yes
I recently started wondering if this bug is somehow related to the missing elevation and temperature data for activities, as both issues seemed to start at approximately the same time. If it weren't for the fact that many others seem to have this issue I would have thought that my 955 was dying on me.
This has been addressed in software version 21.16 which is currently in beta: Public Beta Version 21.16 - 100%.
Feel free to wait until our live software version is released to test the fix, but if you install 21.16 please let us know if you still don't receive sleep data on certain nights (with permission to reach you via email).
Thank you!
installed 21.16. Sleep data showing being awake as REM; I was up for an hour in the middle of the night which it recorded as REM. Also, my short wake ups for bathroom use were recorded as light sleep.