Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
This has been addressed in software version 21.16 which is currently in beta: Public Beta Version 21.16 - 100%.
Feel free to wait until our live software version is released to test the fix, but if you…
Thank you for sharing. Although Sleep detection issues are most often tied to missing requirements listed in My Sleep Statistics Are Not Displaying in Garmin Connect (no heart rate data, a majorly inaccurate…
Yep, woke up this morning and HRV and Sleep weren't recorded
Same here , last two snaps were not recorded. Also there was no REM during sleep
Same here. Using FR255, I slept (really) around 6 hours this morning and my watch only recorded 48 minutes!
And it will ruin my HRV and sleep score and will impact to my daily suggestion as well.
My battery…
20.29 missed a >90 minute nap this afternoon. Naps not always recorded if short but longer ones usually are. Will check sleep tonight.
I had the exact same issue last night. Updated around 6pm and went to bed 4 hours later. No sleep data or heart beat recorded since the update. On to of that the battery drained from 11d to 5d during that time. In have the Forerunner 965.
After 2 nights of not recording properly it finally worked last night and recorded correctly. Let's see how it goes. Really strange!
Same here , last two snaps were not recorded. Also there was no REM during sleep
Yep, woke up this morning and HRV and Sleep weren't recorded
Same here. Using FR255, I slept (really) around 6 hours this morning and my watch only recorded 48 minutes!
And it will ruin my HRV and sleep score and will impact to my daily suggestion as well.
My battery also drained so fast since got v20.29 update. Garmin, pls fix it promptly!
Sleep has been recording but seriously whacked. showed me awake for 20-30 minutes 6 or 7 times last night, just no way. Been similar for three or four nights in a row. Naps also way more miss than hit, even longer ones.
Installed version 20.29 on 21.9.2024.
First night was OK, second night 22.9-23.9 sleep was not recorded.
Did restart the watch on 23.9.2024. Since then, sleep was recorded correctly.
I will update if the issue returns. For now try to restart (shut down/ turn on) the watch .
I have the same issue with my FR955.