Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
This has been addressed in software version 21.16 which is currently in beta: Public Beta Version 21.16 - 100%.
Feel free to wait until our live software version is released to test the fix, but if you…
Thank you for sharing. Although Sleep detection issues are most often tied to missing requirements listed in My Sleep Statistics Are Not Displaying in Garmin Connect (no heart rate data, a majorly inaccurate…
Yep, woke up this morning and HRV and Sleep weren't recorded
Same here , last two snaps were not recorded. Also there was no REM during sleep
Same here. Using FR255, I slept (really) around 6 hours this morning and my watch only recorded 48 minutes!
And it will ruin my HRV and sleep score and will impact to my daily suggestion as well.
My battery…
I've tried tried it and nothing
Last night my FR955 didn't record sleep for the very first time (I updated to 20.29 in the very first day, when it was released). The only change I did was to enable battery saver during sleep (Naps - Settings - Battery Saver) in the sleep settings. Could you please check if you have it also enabled?
BTW, there was no Pulse Ox recorded that night as well.
Same thing happened to me last night for the first time. No sleep detected and no HRV recorded. It did record heart rate, body battery, and everything else, so the data is all there but it just doesn't think it's sleep.
I did not change any settings in my watch.
I'm my case there was nothing recorded (body battery, HR, HRV), like I didn't wear my watch (except I did). I've changed back the power saver settings. Will see tonight
Same issue with 20.29 on a 255, and have seen more people posting on the 255 forum about this.
Soft reset usually solves it, and records the next (few) night(s), but does not completely fix it for me. Few nights later data will be missing again.
Any thoughts on this issue Garmin-Sierra? (You're the one posting the beta updates...)
Feel like this forum, without active feedback from Garmin, is like talking to a wall. Share the pain, with no gain.
The forum is mainly a user-to-user forum, and is not generally intended as user-to-garmin.
IIt is merely impossible to manage reading and giving responses to all messages every day on this forum (and behind the scene report errors back to the dev teams) - there are simply to many.
Primary contact to Garmin is when using the Beta program and reporting the Beta Program forums.
However, most messages are being read
last night after 11pm I stayed watching TV sitting on the sofa and the Garmin thought I was sleeping. I set the daily sleep duration from 11pm to 7am...
That actually happens quite often (even on previous firmware). My watch recorded a lot of naps when sitting on the sofa watching TV or reading. Apparently there is not much difference when doing nothing compared to sleeping
I had a similar issue, and tracked it down to a Sleep Mode setting, where in Sleep Mode, Battery Saver is enabled, which based on my default settings, disables wrist HR, causing HRV, sleep tracking, etc to be turned off. As soon as I disabled this option, and allow sleep mode to use the battery I was able to get sleep tracking again. Option on watch is at: System => Sleep Mode => Battery Saver, which I turned off.
Thank you for sharing. Although Sleep detection issues are most often tied to missing requirements listed in My Sleep Statistics Are Not Displaying in Garmin Connect (no heart rate data, a majorly inaccurate sleep window, etc.), we are investigating current reports. Please answer the following so we can further investigate: