Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
Yesterday evening my watch updated to the latest firmware, 20.29. This morning I checked an it didn't record my sleep hours (I went to bed about 3hrs after the update).
Has anyone else noticed a similar issue?
Best regards,
This has been addressed in software version 21.16 which is currently in beta: Public Beta Version 21.16 - 100%.
Feel free to wait until our live software version is released to test the fix, but if you…
Thank you for sharing. Although Sleep detection issues are most often tied to missing requirements listed in My Sleep Statistics Are Not Displaying in Garmin Connect (no heart rate data, a majorly inaccurate…
Yep, woke up this morning and HRV and Sleep weren't recorded
Same here , last two snaps were not recorded. Also there was no REM during sleep
Same here. Using FR255, I slept (really) around 6 hours this morning and my watch only recorded 48 minutes!
And it will ruin my HRV and sleep score and will impact to my daily suggestion as well.
My battery…
Same issue. I'll add that after update, HRV has also gone mad.
Waiting for a fix.
I have the same problem with FR955.
Sleep and nap tracking has gone off the rails with this latest patch. If I wake up in the middle of the night, my garmin 965 (same as 955 but with amoled screen) will think I'm up for the day even though I go right back to sleep. Also, this AM, I noticed that the watch says I took a nap about 15 minutes ago for about 8 minutes when I was clearly up grocery shopping. (Guess I was sleeping in the cold case without realizing it ;). Hope Garmin reads forums. Since Garmin's training readiness calculation relies heavily on the body battery concept, it loses its value as a training advisor if they don't fix this.
Ich habe auch das Problem. Update am 21 September installiert. Dann keine Schlafdaten und keine HFV über Nacht. Habe mit dem Support gechattet, ein paar Einstellungen vorgenommen, hat aber nix geholfen. Jetzt mal abwarten.
But obviously the error is just for some.
I was on 20.26 and am on 20.29 now and sleep data and HRV are ok.
Just wanted to let you know, there have to be some special circumstances to trigger the error.
Do you know what mistakes they are?
No, sorry.
If I knew, I would tell the Garmin engineers so they could fix it.
This seems to be one of the ever repeating Garmin update mysteries, where after the update some users are effected by strange errors, while for others with the exact same firmware this error just does not exist.
I have the same issue on HRV and sleep. Sleep score was very low last night, but I think I had a good sleep. HRV has been strangely low for last couple of days after the update, but I felt very energetic these days and had finished several high quality workouts. Previously if I had a low HRV, I will feel very sluggish for a couple of days.
Had one night missed after updating to 20.26 two weeks ago (and after that to 20.29, but after soft reset of the watch it came back and never left again. Did you try the reset?