battery discharge faster

20.26 battery consumption increases, 19.18 consumes 3% per day, now 5%. Garmin Share,Bluetooth,wifi all close

  • For what it's worth, only the idle battery usage has increased for me. Activate usage (running on multi-GPS with bluetooth headphones) consumes around 10% per hour which it always did.

  • Delete Data and Reset Settings

  • The battery level was 93% after the last exercise. The power-saving mode has been running for 24 hours. The current battery level of the watch is 91%. Since resetting the watch. The issue of high power consumption seems to have been resolved. At least for now, it seems so. Here's a reference for you

  • Might give powersaving a try before resetting...

    Here I tried 2 things:

    1. Restart watch after each activity: 90% in 6.4 days for 0.6%/hr with 5 hrs of activity

    2. Don't restart watch after each activity: 92% in 4.4 for 0.9%/hr with 3.75 hrs of activity

    So it (also) seems to be something with activities and from what I read from others especially when an external sensor is attached...

  • Interesting... do you use any external sensors (HR strap for example)? Other reports in the beta forum seemed to indicate it might be an issue in there.

  • Interesting... do you use any external sensors (HR strap for example)? Other reports in the beta forum seemed to indicate it might be an issue in there

    That would be bad, as one of the good things about Garmin is the good integration of sensors via ANT+.
    Personally I regularily use

    - HRM Pro

    - HRM Dual

    - Garmin Varia Radar and Backlight

    - Powermeter on the bike

    - At least in winter the PM5 on my Concept2 rower.

    BTW my FR 955 is down to 29% in the meantime. That is 5,5 days with roughly 6 hours of GPS activities and half an hour indoor cycling. Will be down to 20% after this evenings run then.

    Has definitely been better before - usually it was 8-10 days for me if not used heavily.

  • I used a heart rate monitor during one of my last two events. My 955 battery is currently at 85% charge. Over 72 hours since last full charge, 2 hours of GPS usage. This power consumption is the same as before upgrading to 20.26. It's back to normal.

  • Charged to 100% at 16:20 on 10 Sept. One walking activity of 20 minutes using no external sensors at 19:00 on 11 Sept. It's now 10:10 on the 12 Sept. Current battery level 69% with a forecast "until empty" time of about 5.5 days.using Battery Graph widget by Cheurch. The discharge graph is a straight line with a tiny dip in it.

    If I do my planned 60 minute run today I expect to need to charge the watch before the end of the day. This is a marked change in "watch mode" battery consumption from 19.xx firmware. I'm using the factory default watch face, too.

  • I use HRM PRO + and Polar H10. I noticed that watches are connected to it and the batteries in them run out extremely quickly (brand 2032 battery does not last even a month). The watch itself also develops such a bug.

  • My 955 watch went from discharging at about 6% per day in watch mode with MoveIQ and stuff on but no activities to now discharging over 30% in 24 hours. Really crap. How can one revert back to an earlier software versions?