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High Heart Rate

Hey all, 

I had a two runs in the past week, with the last one happening last evening on a fairly easy run. My Heartrate should have averaged something in the high 140's with a max maybe in the 160's. However, at some point there was a change in my watch where the heart rate spiked up to 200's and 210's, with the lows being high 190's.

Nothing changed with the way I wore my watch and no change in effort. 

Has anyone else had this happen and had a way to fix it? 

  •  - do you work for Garmin?

    Please, don't spam this thread.  ...2 or 20 cm - it doesn't work.

  • I am a private user. I was reporting problems that occurred on 16.17, see my first messages, and now I am reporting that are cured with Beta 17.22 and  +

    If you still continue wearing the watch not following instructions than you will have forever HR problems

  • I'm wearing the watch in the same way from 1Y...only in the last 2weeks my HRV is decreasing recording an higher HR during the night ... and I don't wanna speak more regarding the sport activities...

    Garmin has just admitted the problem. STOP

  • Let’s have Sierra confirming if there is a bug on HR on 16.17 or on Beta as to me Beta 17.22 and + cured the issue 

    the few of you reporting HR problems there will always be if related to a non correct watch position on the wrist 

  • I have several examples from this week alone where i get the wrong heartrate on easy runs where as on tempo runs its correct. Are you suggesting that i am wearing the watch differently for each workout? There is a clear pattern and it has been deemed a bug by garmin. No need to shill for them they are a public traded company and not your friends.

  • and I posted several examples NO problem with Beta 17.22  and + no matter if a slow run or intervals....I do agree there is a problem with 16.17 and I posted above but not on Beta to me

  • 17.26 after restart the watch. This is my yesterday evening cycling indoor seems ok...I'll try a run this evening

  • finally....tight the watch a bit more than usual, 1-2cm away from bone wrist, no clothes on it or pushing the watch to the wrist, if it moves and you notice higher HR put it back 1-2cm away from the wrist bone. On a run the watch moves more than on cycling

    Most probably the restart, power ON-OFF, was needed.

    Hopefully you get good results on the run too

  • Happened again last night, but not on a usual easy paced run. I was doing some faster miles and HR was where it should have been. Then when I slowed down and started some recovery paced miles my HR spiked from 170s-180s up to 210. I did two reps and both had the same outcome.

  • Cycling was never the issue in this thread it was always running activities. Hope the foreRUNNER can soon be used for running activities again. right now its barely usable.