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New 965 - Is it a joke ?

965 has been released in the last June and it is already replaced by the 965 !

9 months ?

That means, when they released the 955, Garmin already knows the watch is bad and they wanted to replace it ASAP.

This is explained why the software on the 955 is that bad !

Ok 965 has no solar version and battery life will probably decrease a lot but....

Really frustrating.

Many thanks Garmin !

From moderator: As this thread has gone down a path of personal attacks, I have no choice but to lock this thread. Voicing our dissatisfaction is welcome as long as we are civil and on topic. We will not allow personal attacks against a user (volunteer moderators, forum members, or Garmin employees), or violations of the terms of use for these forums {

  • Garmin loves you!

    You buy the most expensive garmin watches, quite often and hardly use them. You prefer pretty over functional.

    Yes, on a track you don’t need gps because you know the distance and the times you have to run. 
    Then why buy a new expensive watch 2 years in a row when you don’t use it?

    Feel free to do so, but don’t judge on the people who actually use their watches and want the functions they paid for to work properly.

  • Yeah right. I just rant about them when I see right. Like the HR strap dying after a one year of intensive training which I consider abnormal.

    I had an exchange with the F6, because the gps was crappy, that I sold ; I got myself a F6 solar that I returned because the gps was as crappy as the regular F6. I got the 945LTE because I had the opportunity to buy it at a very low price. Then I bought the 955 when it came out because I wanted it and my wife wanted to get back training.

    And please, dont judge other people training when you know nothing about them.

  • A lot of the bugs are easy to recreate, simply query the ask a question box with the word bug on the 255/955 forum or check out the public beta bug reports section on the 255/955 beta forums. This should help explain the frustration 255/955 users experience with the watch/reviews.

    A lot of the 1% features that make you get a Garmin has unresolved bugs for 6+ months. Also, if the user facing features has so many bugs, it is safe to assume that the behind the scenes metrics/algorithms are probably buggy as well.

  • The lactate threshold test requires a chest strap?

  • I am interested in whether auto-LHT works on the 965

  • I managed to order a 265 (no 965 was available) as I wanted to see how the AMOLED is for activities , as after all that is the main driver for having these watches. Hope to get it today and will then see how it compares vs my 955 over the next week. I haven't had a LTH update on my 955 for ages either.  I know the 265 is not a 965 , but should be able to give us some indication on a number of issues.

  • Could you tell us your experiences once you get the 265? Slight smile

  • very much looking forward to your insights. are your concerns visibility in bright sunlight? i am guessing it will work as expected and probably inherit some of the quirks and bugs of the 255/955 series. i think the notable thing you will notice is they will likely use white text on black background for activities since that is more efficient on the battery of an AMOLED.

    keep us posted.