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SW 3.90: 50%more Battery drain

again in this Firmware Release the Battery Drain is very high, more or less 50% more then usual before, use everything with standard settings as delivered, only Spo2 Measurement during night, instead of 7-8% battery drain a day i have now 16-19% a day!

Made hard reset, but didn't help!

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  • The only actual change I have made on 3.9 vs 3.3 is adding respiration in the "my day" physiological widget metric.  Perhaps trackiing respiration is similar to pulse ox and causes additional battery drain.  I just removed it so I'll be able to test it now.

  • Oh will also add I was around .4% per hour on FW 3.3 and now I'm around 1.2%+ per hour on 3.9.  I was encouraged this morning when I picked up my watch and saw it had used roughly .1%/hr overnight sitting on the bathroom counter and thought "hey maybe the battery widget is just bad and it's resuming normal consumption now down around 13% - that can happen" but now 2 hours later it is at 9%, a rate of 2% per hour.

    Hopefully yet another FW update will fix this issue.  I bought the 945 mostly for the reported battery life.

  • Something is fishy here... See snapshot.

    How come 9 hrs of 0.783% reduces only 4.4% from 100% battery? 

  • FWIW I have switched off the CIQ watch face to a Garmin standard one and it makes no difference.  I have 3rd party data fields in my running apps but I don't see how that would make a difference in non-activity battery usage.

  • I also removed and reinstalled the Battery widget and the phenomena is still remaining.

    Something is not right - it is either the widget is wrong in counting the current battery status or reading the consumption rate.

  • It's not wrong as I let mine completely drain yesterday and the battery widget correctly predicted the full drain.

  • And now, 15hr after fully charge, the average consumption dropped to 0.369%/hr.
    Don't know why - no change of any settings/widgets on my side.

  • With the last update the battery consumption became even more herratic. For one hour it's normal then it doubles again then it's somewhere in the middle. For sure a different behaviour than the previous firmware but still broken.