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GPS Chipset 2.50 is now live! (open water swim improvements)

GPS Chipset 2.50 can be downloaded via Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile. 

Change Log

- Improves GNSS performance for open water swim activities. 
- Improves GPS + GALILEO navigation performance. 
- Improves GNSS performance for cycling activities. 
- Other bug fixes and improvements.

  • Exactly... but... hehehe its way too early to say (only did one run) i see improvements but it could be to the speed of my run... (first time i run alone in few months) and the GPS "line" looks good to me Slight smile

  • Did my first OWS with the new 2.50 chipset Firmware and it worked flawlessly. So far so good.

  • GPS+Galileo in running still sub par.

    During today's run in the park, during steady run on a straight alley with some tree cover, the instant pace was constantly 4:40 and 1km split came at 4:21.

    This is way off what I get using GPS+Glonass when the differences are +/- 5-10 sec between instant readings and km splits, which is completely expected due to: 1) rounding on instant pace reading displayed 2) expected fluctuations.

    20 sec difference makes Galileo setting unusable.

  • 4/9 failed :( Not very good percentage on success.

  • Same here!! It has worked great for my first OWS, really nice track recorded! Thank you Garmin!

  • Thanks for the update.  I've now had success on several open water swims using GPS+Glonass on 1 second interval, and comparisons to my 920XT (once on wrist -- differences between it and the 945 were 400y on a 2100 yard swim; once on a tow buoy - 920XT on buoy was within 50 yards of 945 on wrist over a 2100 yard swim) seem to indicate that it's in the ballpark for open water swims.  Could be tuned up a bit, but much improved over not working at all!