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GPS Chipset 2.50 is now live! (open water swim improvements)

GPS Chipset 2.50 can be downloaded via Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile. 

Change Log

- Improves GNSS performance for open water swim activities. 
- Improves GPS + GALILEO navigation performance. 
- Improves GNSS performance for cycling activities. 
- Other bug fixes and improvements.

  • Would never dispute that. But there are way too many complaints from people who just do not understand, or accept, the limitations of WHR even out of the water.

    WHR has got better, especially with these new devices. Better to the point that I contemplate ditching the strap on occasion. However, just as I do, the WHR throws a curve ball. In the pool I just find it all but useless. Yes it tracks the pattern of my activity, but some 30 beats higher all the time. That well and truly throws out my stats. I'm willing to give it a try, and do. But I fail to see why I should be pilloried for reporting that for me it does not work, while also noting that a number of those who do say it works, then go on to say the data is not accurate, but it's data all the same. If the data is bad, then what's the point of having the data?

    WHR has a way to go to get to the same level of reliability and accuracy that I achieve from my chest strap. And I actually believe I am one of those for whom WHR works reasonably well...when it does work. I really can't fault it when I get results like this for an indoor cycling activity:

    Just wish it was consistent.

  • Often the case that, just like a Windows computer, a reboot sorts things out - press and hold top left until it shuts down, then restart.

  • I never had any issue with the GPS even in OWS it has always been spot on ! any issue with this new update ? 

  • Where can I manually download the update? The watch got stuck while syncing with Garmin Express and now the update does not appear. It did not install, as it still shows GPS 2.30

  • Nevermind, I finally got it to install 

  • Just tried... same as before... sometimes it works, sometimes it records only few meters. You have to stay with arm outside the water in order to make it regain the signal and update the distance. Very disappointed. 

  • got mine - first thing I saw on my watch this morning was a GPS update had been installed

  • Thanks! OHR is fairly accurate for me. I was disappointed not to have any HR data for my last 10k swim, as I hadn't realized 2.70 removed it from the 2.65 beta I had installed. I use the chest strap when doing pool intervals where accurate HR is important, but it chafed for multi-hour swims, especially in salt water. I'll install the 2.72 tonight! 

  • Did a run with GPS+Galileo today and compared it to a more or less identical run I did with the old GPS firmware (2.30?) with only GPS. Did an overlay in mygpsfiles. Result: no significant improvement or otherwise.

    Compared to an identical run with my 935 (GPS+Galileo), the GPS performance is visibly worse, but still acceptable. Distance is more or less the same between the three runs which is ok.

  • So general improvements rather then GPS, GLONASS or Galileo specific?