First try using Garmin Coach (Greg) Semi Marathon (review)

I started a 13 week plan for the ING Luxemburg Half Marathon in may with the coach Greg training program. 

Tge training program was very good organized and easy to adapt, especially if you want a week off in early program (vacation) the plan easily adapts. Then suddenly around early march after a Garmin update, the watch started to have issues connecting with my phone. It surely became very annoying, forcing me to restart the phone everytime. The watch also took some time to get a gps signal after that update (also when I did no training session after 2 days). 

The most frustrating issue though were interval runs, its almost impossible with the watch to keep a steady signal and show the correct pace. Even though I run in a pretty flat area, so forest or tall buildings. It always jumps from too slow to too fast in a matter of seconds, even though maintaining constant speed. 

Is there any settings to mitigate this issue? Please let me know.

Another issue was, that the program does not measure elevation/ascends/descends where tge speed varies. So if you go slower on a steep slopem it just says you are not fast enough on flat terrain. Though the race I was training for has some height variation

Anyways, the trainibg program was set to 1:40:00 for 21km at first. I did go running regularly before, 2 times every week. After 6 weeks the program showed me a purple confidence level so I set my goal to 1:38:00

At the end I got 1:39:29 so not entirely 1:38:00 but I've beaten the 1:40:00. 

My verdict is: great training program, almost reached my goal, I could have done better early in the race (people blocking the way). 

I wish though there were also more programs like for mtb, mountaineering. 

  • The most frustrating issue though were interval runs, its almost impossible with the watch to keep a steady signal and show the correct pace.

    It is not a weak signal but the pace averaging. Really annoying and not fixed till now. Garmin write every 1 sec data to a file but the pace datafield shows only averaged value.

  • Hi, I’d be curious to know Coach Greg’s strategy (or the training plan) suggested you to run the race. I’ve signed up for a 1/2marathon training plan one week too late, meaning that the earliest date for the race I could select is the weekend after the race itself. So I won’t be able to know how I’m supposed to run the race since the deatils of each workout are release only 7 days prior.

    I know each plan is personalized but would be interested to know if you ran the whole race at a constant goal pace or it was more of a progressive run (started slower and got faster). 

  • 1 week too late isnt doing much, no worries. I didnt really go progressively since it was a race with lots of terrain variation. I was trying to keep the goal average min/km, it partially worked. My goal was 1:38 but I got 1:39