After last update no info on weather in morning report

Is there anything specific to set up because on previous FWs there was no issue with it.

Every morning from the update onwards, there is no numbers...

I also have an issue with the floor counting... It is way off most of the time, especially in winter/colder days. Sometimes I'm up 70, but in reality 10.

Can I shut down the notification for every time I hit 10 floors? I have edited My day, but it still notifies. I have all goals alerts off now.


  • But the forcast made on Monday for Tuesday, is usually not the same forecast that is made on Tuesday. And some user can be offline for days, or even weeks. Earlier there was no indication that the forecast was out of date, which could be confusing for users. Maybe the best solution would be to let the users configure how long the time out for the weather information should be.

  • To me it's quite simple: would you prefer the forecast about Tuesday that was made on Monday or no forecast at all?
    Specially when you are used to having the forecast and without any notice it's taken from you.

    I'd have no issue at all with a little message/icon/whatever saying the data was acquired X days/hours ago and might differ from the current forecast. On the other hand, I absolutely do not support Garmin on what and on how they changed this feature.

    I think it's quite absurd to handle it the way they did and strongly believe there was some major issue with the last releases, because it's been a complete mess - the changes aren't documented, support is unaware and relies on the users in the forum to answer questions, mistakes popping up on all areas...

  • For me it's the same... Monday evening's forecast for tuesday is as accurate as it can be for tuesday, afterall its FORECAST. There ain't lots of changes in the forecast in about 8 hours time.

    And by the way...  When you watch the weather report and its forecast for the next day, it is the same thing. It is as accurate as it can be.

  • Thanks, but it's not really an idea. It's just more of reverting to something that was changed. I honestly rather have some data even though it's wrong than just seeing "------" in the report field. I mean it's just the weather not much changes from the day to the next day. I usually sync my watch once or twice a day or longest is 2 days.

  • Also, there is a week's worth of forecast if you check the weather in the widgets. I'm not sure why they think it's OK for that to show if it's not up to "date", but today's forecast can't be shown if I haven't connected it to my watch within the hour. Can't they just use that data to show the next day's forecast if I haven't connected my watch overnight?