After last update no info on weather in morning report

Is there anything specific to set up because on previous FWs there was no issue with it.

Every morning from the update onwards, there is no numbers...

I also have an issue with the floor counting... It is way off most of the time, especially in winter/colder days. Sometimes I'm up 70, but in reality 10.

Can I shut down the notification for every time I hit 10 floors? I have edited My day, but it still notifies. I have all goals alerts off now.


  • Try GC app Device : health and wellness : make floor goal 0

    also check all the goal alerts are off there also 

  • Thanks, will do.

    Do you also maybe know how to solve the morning report weather issue?

  • Do you pair with an Android or iPhone? If you have an iPhone, your Connect app would need to be running in the background so your weather data can be updated on your watch. After the most recent update, weather data on the watch will show "--" if it has not been connected to the phone for longer than an hour. 

    Some Garmin Connect App Features Are Not Working On My iOS Device

  • Are they planning to revert this back to before? I usually don't leave my watch connected to my phone all day due to battery drain. But now most of the watch faces don't show weather information anymore also the morning reports don't show weather information. Before it will just show whatever it had from the previous sync. Which was good enough.

  • Not that I know of. The only thing I can suggest is that you submit this feedback on our 'Ideas' page! 

    Share Ideas

  • I'd also like to have it as it was before. I always shut down internet connection before bed time so there is no info in the morning report.

  • But if you did that before, the morning report would show the weather for yesterday. I think most people would find that confusing.

  • As the solution stated above, if the watch is not connected for more than one hour, the forecast is not shown. It was before the update.

    If you have an iPhone, your Connect app would need to be running in the background so your weather data can be updated on your watch. After the most recent update, weather data on the watch will show "--" if it has not been connected to the phone for longer than an hour. 

    Might be different with an andorid phone, but iphone is like it is written above.

  • Yes, now it is showing -- when the watch has no up to date information. But my point is that it would show the weather for yesterday the way it was working before, when you leave the internet connection off during the night. That is why Garmin changed it. People get confused when the watch is showing wrong weather information. I realise that some user still prefer to have wrong data rather than --, but I support Garmin's choice of making it clear that the weather information is no longer correct.

  • Hey ovekvam,

    The watch has information about the day in which you are but as well about the following days. That's the very nature of a "forecast".

    Having such information available, why would the watch display information about the previous day?
    If you are saying that there was a bug which caused that (undesired) behavior, than that's something to be fixed, not be disabled without any discussion with the users of such a feature.

    I am truly surprised to read you say that you support Garmin on disabling something that several users want and had before without any discussion with the user's community.

    I try to make it in a funny comparison: It's like you drive a given car and one morning you wake up and the A/C doesn't work anymore - and the you are, saying you support that because the temperature displayed was a few degrees off the correct one, haha.

    Another possible comparison would be if Spotify decided to not longer allow downloaded songs to be played while there's no connection to the internet - making the very purpose of downloading some music to your device meaningless.