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Abnormally high heart rate during the first part of the training

I've been part of the beta program for a few months but I've never had any problems like this. I currently have installed the v. 17.26

During the first minutes of last two running workouts, the HR was abnormally high, then returning to normal levels until the end.

I've attached the two charts to show what I'm talking about.

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?

  •  how can I give you the URL to my account and my private email?

  • I'll send you an email Slight smile

  • We do it regularly with the family - climbing 600m up and down a nearby hill. My normal pulse is between 80 and 128 maximum. Several pauses - see the picture - the pulse goes below 80. That was firmware 16.12. If we go down, HR is smaller, which is also logical. It was Firmware 16.12Firmware 16.12

    Today I thought I was dying - my pulse was sometimes over 190 (my normal maxHR is 177 :) But I felt relaxed and calm.
    I had to take off my watch 3 times see the pic., after which my pulse was at my normal 80-90 for a few minutes...
    Sorry but that's not data, just garbage on 17.26

  • Hi,

    Does this issue only affect optical HR?

    For my last few runs, using a Garmin HRM Dual chest strap, I am seeing the same behaviour. The reported HR jumps way too high early in the run, eventually settles down. Sometimes it goes high again later on. Today it went really low (around 100bpm) towards the end. I removed the watch from my wrist during the run to check it hadn't dropped back to wrist HR for some reason and the high HR continued to be reported.

    I've had the chest strap for a good few months and it has been absolutely spot on until now, and it does seem to coincide with the 17.26 update. I don't know now whether this is just a coincidence and there is an issue with the strap?



  • Yes I have been seeing this happening often. It's the reason why I got a chest HRM. I've not seen it with that, only with the wrist HRM. 

    I suspect it's the reason my auto-detected max HR was set far too high. I've manually corrected it to something more realistic. I hope the manual value persists.

    I just came back from a 30 min run used my chest HRM and my watch popped up a message that my max heart rate was 171 .. I've no idea where this number came from. The heart rate range for the activity in Garmin Connect is 118 - 135.  

    Does my watch still pick up the wrist based HR even when I connect an external HRM? I hope not! It's not reliable!

  • It does not. But Garmin tries to estimate your max HR even when you have an activity where you are not close to it.

  • ...and does not take into account the achieved pulse - i done last x7 sprint were on 3 and 4 i got 182 and 184, but garmin says - bro you are almost 60 and your maxHR is 177. :) What should i say... 

  • Any expected dates for a fix? 

  • There is no mention of adjustments to the sensor software in the current beta version change log. Every time they change it, it will be better for some users, and worse for others. Maybe they think it is working well for most users as it is.

  • We are aware that a change needs to be made and have a fix coming soon. Beta 18.12 has not addressed the bug, as we are still finishing up testing.