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Distance and pace anomaly?

Does anyone else have issues with the reported distance with Forerunner 255? I got mine about 2 weeks ago and have had issues with about half of my runs. The reported distance (and consequentially the pace) is often off by quite a bit. What usually happens is that one or two one-mile laps are unusually longer than one mile. It usually ends up being 0.5-1 mile short for a 10 mile run.

I've been using it on my commute routes that I have done hundreds, if not thousands of times. So I know the distance to the second decimal point and I know exactly where every lap should end. When this happens (which, like I said, is half of the times), I go to Strava and use their "correct distance" function and can get a roughly correct distance. So it sounds like the track points should be more or less accurate (otherwise Strava wouldn't be able to do the correct calculation), but the watch has problem calculating the distance. I.e. it's a firmware bug. 

Interestingly, bike rides all seem to be fine, although I don't have enough data points (4 bike rides vs ~15 runs).