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This is a Crisis, Forerunner 255 and 955

Former Member
Former Member

Regressions with new software releases are not unusual, but 12.23 is a crisis. So many things have gone wrong at once that it's hard to imagine how it could happen. All advanced training features appear to be broken plus there are cadence, display, stability and battery life issues. About all I trust now is time and distance. Maybe someone left out a secret ingredient and spoiled the entire batch. There's no way this could be the product of multiple independent mistakes. Many users were relying on the Forerunner series for training and now that has been interrupted. People are upset. Garmin has a crisis and needs crisis management. Acknowledging there is a problem is a good first step, but more is needed. How about a timeline to a fix and more transparency?

  • Welcome to the garmin world. Same happened few years ago when I bought 245 few weeks after release. They released some update which broke a lot of things. After few months they finally fixed them. 

  • I feel you. Hope they get this fixed asap.

  • Everything seems accurate to me even after the update.

  • I hope a new, better, firmware is on the way.

    I'm planning to return my watch and try something new.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 1 year ago in reply to carlo3k

    What would you get as an alternative?

  • Training Effect is not correct any more which has a huge issue throughout many areas especially suggested workouts. It considers Base workouts sometimes to be Tempo or crazy enough VO2 Max and this affects many of the other metrics. This was working Ok before 12.23.  There are many other issues (that one can work around) but this is a driving factor of so many items!

  • The most hilarious thing about this situation is that those bugs are affecting basic functionalities of the watch. It looks like they didn't even make a proper testing before release. And this is going on for years like this. On top of that we don't have anyone from the Garmin here which could explain us why, when and say sorry. This would really make the whole situation MUCH better.

  • Agreed, don't know how Garmin can expect to retain their customers, and our trust.

    So far I'm finding easy Zone 2 runs are coming back as Threshold / VO2 / Over Reaching. For example did 55 mins at 2 minutes per mile slower than half marathon pace this morning, came back as over reaching and 63 hours recovery required!

    On Wednesday 14th September new lactate threshold was recorded. Didn't load into the Garmin App, and has now resorted back to my August 8th lactate threshold.

    Obviously this has a knock on effect to other tools that should be useful - but are now essentially useless.

    Garmin's SW developers should be embarrassed, but knowing Garmin they are blaming their customers.

  • Today my FR255 silently;) received update 12.25. Does anyone know anything about?

  • It's a new beta update. This is the changelog:

    • Fixed an issue that could cause inaccuracies in the reported primary benefit for Training Effect.

    let's see...