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Forerunner 245: Wrong stride length for outdoor run when paired with RD Pod

Hi all.  Lurker looking for some possible answers or fixes to why my RD Pod metrics, mainly the stride length and avg vert osc, is totally bonkers with the 9.00 and 9.56beta software.  I've had absolutely no issues with any metrics from the Pod until those updates.  My stride length is completely wrong.  Which then affects the avg vert oscillation, showing me in the high 30s+.  Um, no. 

I've changed the Pod battery, deleted it from watch, resync'd it, etc.  Reset watch...nothing worked.  Rolling back to 8.60 ver software totally fixes the issues.  I've submitted .fit files to the Garmin beta crew (both 9.00 and 9.56 files) hoping they can find something in the data. 

Anyone else seeing any weird Pod #s with the latest software?


  • So I've noticed something interesting while comparing run data on Connect vs Runalyze (third-party website).

    This is the same run from this past Sat.  Connect shows the stride length tanked, which also affects your vert ratio, after a brief walk and didn't recover for some time.  Runalyze shows no such thing.  Not sure what exactly to make of this, but looking back and comparing a few more previous runs where Connect shows the stride length way off...Runalyze shows no such wild swings in length.  Just thought I'd add this to the conversation/ 



    The above ^^ is also showing Stride Length (blue) and the Vert Ratio.

  • I also have switched over to using Runalyze stride-length/vertical-ratio, since it seems untainted by the problem in Connect.

  • So I received a replacement RD pod from Garmin and today was my first run with it. Same ol tanking stride length after a pause or walk. This must be a software thing. Things worked fine until software versions after 8.60. 

  • All,

    Please see our recently released beta software for a fix addressing this report. If you prefer to not install this beta software, we hope to be rolling out a public software update soon, though I do not have a timeline for this release. If you are still seeing this issue after installing the beta software, please contribute your observations in the appropriate beta bug reports section of the beta forums for your specific device.

    Enrolling in Garmin Beta Software Program

  • Nice, installed  the beta this morning and will give it a go after work.  Thanks for digging into to this. 

  • Well, after two trail runs this wkend, things do look to be fixed. Thumbsup tone1Thumbsup tone1 Stride length is correct from the start and I've not seen any weird drops after a walk or pause in the data. Great job. Thank everyone involved for me. Ha ha

  • I have installed 11.85 Beta and I have done two runs using that and the RD Pod. All appears to be fixed at long last.  Thanks.

  • Hello all!

    This was resolved in SW 12.00. If you are still experiencing this after the update, please start a new thread Slight smile