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Forerunner 245: Wrong stride length for outdoor run when paired with RD Pod

Hi all.  Lurker looking for some possible answers or fixes to why my RD Pod metrics, mainly the stride length and avg vert osc, is totally bonkers with the 9.00 and 9.56beta software.  I've had absolutely no issues with any metrics from the Pod until those updates.  My stride length is completely wrong.  Which then affects the avg vert oscillation, showing me in the high 30s+.  Um, no. 

I've changed the Pod battery, deleted it from watch, resync'd it, etc.  Reset watch...nothing worked.  Rolling back to 8.60 ver software totally fixes the issues.  I've submitted .fit files to the Garmin beta crew (both 9.00 and 9.56 files) hoping they can find something in the data. 

Anyone else seeing any weird Pod #s with the latest software?


  • What better results?  Only 2 people have commented.  And 1 of them (me) says the update fixed the problem.  I went out for a 4 mile run today, and the stride length was working fine as it should.    Why wouldn't you at least try the update since it worked for me?   Why did you bother even asking people to update if you aren't even listening to what we say?  SMH.

  • I need better than 50/50 results and I believe your test wasnt very long at first.  If I update and it doesn't work, I'm rolling back to my current version that I know works and it kinda sucks to roll back. Since I lose all my settings.  So I need more confirmation things are fixed before I do so. 

  • I also installed the 9.58 beta updated and saw that it did not fix the RD pod problems for me. But then  I looked again at the installation instructions and noticed that I forgot one of the update files (\Garmin\RemoteSW folder). I've done a reinstall now and will check this weekend again with a test run. Maybe a complete reset and coupling of the RD pod after the update will also help.

  • Did a test run today and it look like this update does not fix the problem. Stride length and vertical ratio is only recorded in the second half of my run. Also the RD pod is not shown in the list of devices for that activity. Seems to be a bigger problem for Garmin. In the FR945 forum the same issue is reported.

  • Last couple runs with v9.58 the stride length chart has been completely missing from Connect (web & app). Can still see the SL average down there in the dynamics details so it still has to be capturing the data somewhere. All other RD Pod data appears "normal" for me, but this is devolving to absurdity.

  • Has anyone that has updated to 9.60 and 18.00 sensor hub checked their Pod metrics? 

  • I took a chance and updated to 9.60.  Vert Oscillation is still totally bonkers.  Started off only half bad, then after a pause in the run, it totally tanked to the mid 50s.  Stride length went from 1.2 avg down to .2 after a pause.  Then after another pause, it came back to what I normally see, 9-7%.  The pod is now no longer showing up as a device in the activity in Connect either.  Another wasted update. 

  • Updating from v9.58 to v9.60 has not resolved the SL issue for me. The SL metric is either missing or wildly inaccurate in either/both directions.

  • I disabled my custom stride length in the Connect app and I had no issues with stride length during my run today.  Coincidence???  Next run I'll re-enable my custom stride length and see what happens.  One other crazy thing happened today....cadence recorded over 300 the entire time. edit: I also just noticed the Pod is now included as a device in the Connect web version. 

  • All-

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