Wheel slip on Garmin Bike Plus

I have just bought the Garmin Neo Bike Plus after having the Neo Tacx 2T for 3.5 years; I wanted the clean, non-oily, house bike.

I didn't get flywheel slip on the Tacx 2T with my road bike on it, but on the Garmin Plus, I'm getting wheel slip when I do 100% efforts (1000w+) - it's fine when it settles in, but immediately it slips pretty bad.

Anyone else find that? Support site states the below, but that doesn't make sense since I didn't get it on the 2T

NOTE: Virtual Tire Slip is largely eliminated in newer Tacx smart trainers such as the Tacx® NEO 2T Smart, Tacx® NEO 3M Smart, Tacx® NEO Bike Smart and Tacx® NEO Bike Plus Smart. These trainers have increased maximum Newton-meter limit values, so that is nearly impossible to exceed the maximum torque.
