Wheel slip on Garmin Bike Plus

I have just bought the Garmin Neo Bike Plus after having the Neo Tacx 2T for 3.5 years; I wanted the clean, non-oily, house bike.

I didn't get flywheel slip on the Tacx 2T with my road bike on it, but on the Garmin Plus, I'm getting wheel slip when I do 100% efforts (1000w+) - it's fine when it settles in, but immediately it slips pretty bad.

Anyone else find that? Support site states the below, but that doesn't make sense since I didn't get it on the 2T

NOTE: Virtual Tire Slip is largely eliminated in newer Tacx smart trainers such as the Tacx® NEO 2T Smart, Tacx® NEO 3M Smart, Tacx® NEO Bike Smart and Tacx® NEO Bike Plus Smart. These trainers have increased maximum Newton-meter limit values, so that is nearly impossible to exceed the maximum torque.


  • I'd suggest taking a video of this occurring. Also noting what virtual gear you're using, what virtual gradient it's slipping in, and the kind of watts you're pushing.  

  • on my 4th neo bike (original) for same issue, have active investigation through with garmin and have been offered another bike, have sent them video and data supporting (stable cadence with power drop) over 1100w the trainer just spins out (53/13 last night) , looking on my intervals torque on my sprints hitting 110-140 and the bike max`s at 85nm before a slip with my averages over 85 proves its the bike, Im at a loss now what to do if to try and sell and get the new zwift bike instead.