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Vivoactive 4 battery drain after update to 5.80

The green sensor(HR sensor i think)  glows continuously.The battery lasts only two to three days if there is no activity like running or walking...

I believe this is a minor bug in the code that can be corrected quickly. Garmin developers please check this and fix it :) 

  • Hi there! Have you tried rebooting the device yet? Are you using any 3rd party watchfaces?

  • Yes i have tried to reboot and yes i am using M3 watchface. I am using M3 since i have my watch, so i don't think that is a problem. I removed that watchface now and i have set Garmin watchface. Green light does not stop flashing. 

  • Read this in another thread:

    I often have battery drain issues after updates... Usually it goes away like this:

    Restart watch by holding down the upper button

    After restart, start an exercise with GPS... Wait for GPS fix, start recording, end recording... You can discard that exercise.

    Restart again

    ... Dont know if its the gps, gyro or maybe the barometer thats maybe not integrating correctly after updates, but this worked for me already 5 or 6 times. 


    As the restart by just holding the upper button until the watch reboots erases all activity data from the watch, make sure you do a sync just before doing so.

  • I also have the same issue.

  • Hi all,

    I had the same issue. This helped me out. Battery life is now back to normal (before 5.80).

    On watch go to:

    Settings,system,backlight,turn modus off completely.

    Hope it helps for you as well.


  • In addition to that - my watch is almost always in 1 sec update. (it should be 1 min updates).  This bug was reported multiple times but now it looks more severe. This also cause high battery drain.

  • I don't think backlight isn't the issue though this started after the most recent update. I have the backlight on, but turned down to 20% and it's never caused battery drain before. Thanks anyway!

  • Can I have you do a soft reset, by syncing the device then holding the power button for 45 seconds, ignoring power off then turn it back on. Let me know if there is any difference, if not, we will need to get a case open on this. 

  • I have tried soft reset already doesn't help. I am using 3rd party watch face (downloaded from Garmin IQ store) but i was using this also in the past without any problem. Battery drain came just after updating to 5.80 so i think the issue is related to the latest release. I can try using stock watch face but even if it works i want to be able to use alternative watch faces as i did in the past.