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Battery less than 24 hours

Dear Community,

Since yesterday i've got my Vivoactive 4s. Today at 11am i've charged it 100%. Now, at 4pm Battery Level is 55%. Just in Smartwatch mode
SPO2 is off. Wlan, Musik never used. 
Whats up? 
Are there someone else with this Problem?

  • Update from support: only charge the watch connected to the computer, not the wall outlet. Apparently it is safer for the watch. Although my wife charges the same way with hers and she doesn't have the same issue. After it's plugged in, hold the top button for about 45s to hard reset the watch. Turn it on again and let it charge fully. 

    Will try tonight/tomorrow morning and report back. 

  • Charging the watch with a computer is not safer. That is some bullshit answer to push you away. I charge mine with a charger from ikea. Only time my watch restarted was with the 3.40 update 5 days ago when i was at 100%, I am at 14% now with OX meter on during night, widget says average 0.7%/hr. Without the nightly OX meter I have an average drop of 0.4%/hr

  • Could not be serious? Für 330 bucks in germany you get an "Dot load it at the wall plug"? Realy?

  • Un amigo que lo tiene lo cargo el día 30/09/19 a las 12h hoy día 01/10/19 a las 21 horas tiene un 71% de batería. Creo que es demasiado consumo. 

    Así no dura 8 días ni de broma. 

  • Hi, 

    I have the same problem...

    Battery lost 42% during the night when I sleep (6 hours)!!!! 

    I'm going to return this smartwatch...


  • With hard reset the watch Always drained 2%/h ...

  • Obviously the wall outlet vs. computer charging is nonsense. And the reset by holding the top button for 45s (it was more like 10s) didn't behave like a hard reset. It just restarted the watch (which I had already done numerous times). It didn't do anything anyway. They are replacing it now. 

  • So there is no solution other changing the watch ? I was waiting a software update but i will send back the watch ...

  • I average out on 0.9%/hr with spo2 active at night. Spo2 sensor drains about 10%/night which reduces total battery consumption by half. Statistically without spo2 I should get 0.45%/hr.

    But it is kind of random, for example: 1 wifi sync of 15sec sometimes costs me 2%... what's up with that.

    If yours is worse, I don't think it is a software issue.

    edit: 4s model

  • Your watch it's a vivoactive 4 or 4s ? My watch is 4s. I contact the support. Thx