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How to fast forward through songs or podcasts

I like to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while running. I bought a Venu 2 largely so I could leave my phone at home and still do that. I have found several solutions to getting the podcasts/audio files onto the device, but unfortunately none of them provides a way to fast forward while listening. Particularly with these longer-form sound files (rather than 3-minute music tracks), this is a huge problem. I often want to pick up where I left off on another device, and trying to skip ahead 45 minutes in 30-second increments just isn't sufficient.

I have tried:

  • Amazon music (just to see if I could do it with a music track, which I couldn't)
  • Runcasts
  • Podcasts
  • SubMusic

They all seem to use the same built-in audio player interface, although some have more buttons than others. This page suggests that I should be able to hold the skip buttons to fast forward or rewind, but when I do this nothing happens.

I don't have a Spotify Premium account to try that. I also haven't tried transferring transferring apps from Garmin Express, which wouldn't be a good solution either.

I read this issue, but it didn't have any useful information. It doesn't appear to be an app-related issue, but rather an issue with the built-in audio control interface.

This is a deal-breaker for me and I will have to return the watch if I can't get this feature.

  • Looking for an answer for this too. I also have a Garmin venu 2. I have Spotify premium which I listen to 2-3hr podcasts through. I might listen to 30-1hr min of podcast on a run. Next day when I go to listen again it restarts podcast from the start. I have no easy way to skip forward to the 30min-1hr mark. Just 15s increments. FYI my watch says it should be 30s increments but it only jumps in 15s increments.

  • This is an issue for me, too. I have a Venu 2S. Sometimes my podcast gets started over by accident or I need to pick up where I left off on another device. If I could just grab the dot that moves around the outside edge of the screen and pull it to approximately where I want to be that would be fine. Holding down the fast forward button takes forever.

  • The million $ question.


    Extremely looking for a solution.

  • +1

    They definitely should add a button for time control as listening to long audio files is a pain. Preparing for a run takes forever just so you can scroll to the right time. You can lose the motivation to run LOL

  • Hi, why does it not work as mentioned in the manual:

    "Select to skip to the next audio file in the playlist.

    Hold to fast forward through the current audio file."

    Any update or anybody who actually made it work? I press and hold the forward button but it does nothing and when I let go it skips to the next song. 

    then again, on some songs and podcasts it actually works. how come?

  • Yes. Same issue. Garmin needs to fix the "fast forward" anomaly now. The issue has existed for too long. Podcasts and audiobooks are virtually useless on the Venu 2 without this operation. Garmin, please fix it! Thank you!

  • Agreed.  My Delta previously allowed me to fwd or rev by 10sec, now it just skips to the next or last chapter in audio books.  No obvious place to select preference. 

  • Same issue.  Venu 2 plus.  Really want to ffw or rewind on audiobooks, podcasts etc. I usually just control my phone with the watch.  I tried the Galaxy Watch 5 and it can do this with no problem.  It can fast-forward or skip via tap or long hold.  I think to compete the Venu really needs this feature.


  • I am listening to work related podcasts while running on my Fenix 7x and I just thought I must be doing something stupid because leading company would not create its flagship product without the most basic feature- but I see it does. I am shocked to find out it ia really true. Most probably that will be my last garmin watch even though I love it, it is such a core functionality for me that I am angry everytime I am going running… crazy to have no fast forward and rewind….

  •  You said: "If I could just grab the dot that moves around the outside edge of the screen and pull it to approximately where I want to be that would be fine." 

    Is that even possible? I don't have any dot moving around the edge, at all. See this short video of what I see: