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Google Assistant not working after latest update - follow up

I believe this is a [edited] joke. I followed the thread above for like months and basically none of the users which were complaining about the assistant not working for them had one of the device listed in the "Incompatibility list". So my only guess is that you, Garmin, [edited], given that previous thread had over 30k views and decided to just close that one hoping for problem to go away, hoping that people will create many small threads for each incompatibility case. Why do you care less about people ? In my case the assistant does not work for months (even a year maybe), I sent you all kinds of logs, diagnostics and other potentially useful information and you did literally nothing, I've never heard back from you. So I hope this thread (and previous one) will serve as the BIG WARNING FLAG for other people considering buying your watches with Google Assistant. I hope it will work for other people, but in case it wouldn't just don't expect much if any support. Considering this is a watch for like over 400$ it's just a sad joke.

PS. I hope all this people which previously posted in previous thread will also post here to gain some "visibility" of this thread too.


Moderator edited for language

  • The assistant works randomly. In my case it didn't work for weeks.
    Suddenly to my suprise it worked for 10 minutes. After that it stopped working AGAIN......
    i also contacted support and uploaded the zip file they needed.
    So i am also waiting what they will tell me

  • Please see my previous replies on the Galaxy Watch.  I also tried the Pixel Watch 2, and now I am onto the Apple Watch lol.  I have a graveyard of watches but I am determined to find a new platform away from Garmin.  What I've learned is that Garmin in fact has good health metrics, measurements, and presentation when compared to Apple and Android watches.  However, with the Apple and Android watches, I can control my car, interact with my calendar, send messages, track my holdings, and so much more.  It is now hard to go back to Garmin.  If one wants a good health tracker, Garmin is still a viable choice.  I loved the Vivioactive 3 and 4.  If you want any "smartwatch" features, however, Garmin simply can't keep up.  In fairness, that was not the Venu's purpose.  However, the key feature for the Venus, 2+ and 3, is voice assistant integration.  Even if they once again work for a while, I no longer trust that they will *stay* working.  Looking back at other threads, the voice assistant problem has occurred times before because of Garmin's firmware.  I've come to heavily depend on voice assistant, whether it's Google Assistant or Siri, it is just so convenient when activating from my watch. .  

  • When you reported this, I turned on mine and tried it.  Same problem--still did not work.  It was after a watch firmware update that it started to work (I am enrolled in beta).  The low volume was still a problem, but I was able to resolve that by cranking up the phone's BT volume while GA was responding.  Still, I no longer trust that this will keep working.  If Garmin's implementation is not durable to Google's changes, who knows when the next "breaking" change will come.  And could we count on Garmin to respond quickly to fix it?  I think not.  Sure, Google may have changed something that affected the Venus, but other headphones and earbuds still worked.  This still points back at how Garmin implemented the system on their end. 

  • And that is the issue--"randomly".  Once I started using assistant on my watch, it becomes something I depend on.  Randomly working was just not going to work.

  • By the way, there is a new player--the One Plus Watch 2.  It uses WearOS but two processors to stretch the battery up to 100 hours. I might try it.  It's an interesting idea, but I suspect the wearable market will introduce many new options as we shift from a pocket phone to wearables.  More functions will be pushed to the wearables from the phone, so hopefully we'll have more options to get the features that we want.

  • I saw that last week and it certainly looks intriguing.  I'm an Android person so I'm going to stick around this year and see what the next Pixel watch looks like but I'm giving up on this ever getting fixed as Garmin is blaming Google and Google is blaming Garmin.

  • We really don't have much of a choice other than to bail on Garmin. I was thinking about getting a new phone. A OnePlus 12 or a Pixel 8 Pro or a Samsung S24 Ultra, But Garmin said it isn't going to work with OnePlus and people with Pixels and Samsungs are having this issue. So even getting a new phone is a crap shoot. Getting a OnePlus watch or other Wear OS watch seems to be the only safe bet.