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Google Assistant not working after latest update - follow up

I believe this is a [edited] joke. I followed the thread above for like months and basically none of the users which were complaining about the assistant not working for them had one of the device listed in the "Incompatibility list". So my only guess is that you, Garmin, [edited], given that previous thread had over 30k views and decided to just close that one hoping for problem to go away, hoping that people will create many small threads for each incompatibility case. Why do you care less about people ? In my case the assistant does not work for months (even a year maybe), I sent you all kinds of logs, diagnostics and other potentially useful information and you did literally nothing, I've never heard back from you. So I hope this thread (and previous one) will serve as the BIG WARNING FLAG for other people considering buying your watches with Google Assistant. I hope it will work for other people, but in case it wouldn't just don't expect much if any support. Considering this is a watch for like over 400$ it's just a sad joke.

PS. I hope all this people which previously posted in previous thread will also post here to gain some "visibility" of this thread too.


Moderator edited for language