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Unable to Install Software Update 2.12

Hello, yesterday I saw in garmin connect information about the software update for my scala s2,  update to version 2.12, but this notification has disappeared and the scala is still 2.08

has Garmin canceled this update?

  • Let me try to involve who, from Garmin team, published the update notification in this forum section


    could you kindly check the overall situation mentioned in this thread?

    It seems that the new firmware release update process doesn't work properly



  • I'll admit I was a bit nervous of doing this, but it actually went pretty smoothly & I didn't change/lose any settings or data

    I pressed the reset button, opened the scale settings in GCM, selected add WiFi network then exited the settings without changing anything. The scale performed a sync & updated the F/W to 2.12

  • Ok, I also did it the procedure that you mentioned and I can confirm that I got the 2.12 ver (despite that, before doing the reset procedure, on there WASN'T any kind of pop-up notification referred to 2.12 update availability

    Once the scale rebooted autonomously it downloaded the 2.12 update and, after 4-5 mins, completed successfully the update.

    I didn't lost any personal setting or weight history and now the web page show me that the scale is updated to 2.12 version

  • Great stuff. Glad it worked for you too & yes like yourself, prior to the update there wasn't any indication in GC that an update was available

  • I've tried it again the way you described it.
    It does not work for me. Pressed reset, selected the scale in GCM, selected new WLAN, exited the menu without making any changes. After a few minutes, the scale switched itself off again. GC still reports version 2.08.

    @Garmin Dan Why can't someone from Garmin give feedback here?

  • I'm sorry it didn't work for you. As you have seen it did work for some. After it knocked itself off did you tap the scale to knock it on again? If you didn't that may trigger the update

  • Do it again, remove the WLAN and add it again. This worked for me.

  • I'm sorry it didn't work for you. As you have seen it did work for some. After it knocked itself off did you tap the scale to knock it on again? If you didn't that may trigger the update

    What a mess. I finally managed to do it. My solution was - as you described it - to establish a BT connection with the GCA via the reset button and to test the current WiFi connection in the setup menu. After that, the scale will start downloading an update. It shows a progress bar, which for me ran from about 10 to 20% before the scale turned itself off again (kept tapping on the scale to turn the display on).
    I repeated this entire procedure about 10 times. Each time the progress bar has moved a little further. After about 30 minutes the bar reached the right side at 100% and GC actually showed version 2.12.

  • Wow 30 minutes of your time for something that should just work automatically. 

  • Confirm.
    It took much time to update. The main problem is not to let it turn off