I have had my Garmin RS200 and my Garmin 830 for about a month now. Sending structured work outs from Training Peaks via Garmin Connect to the 830 and using it to control my 2016 WaHoo KICKR. I can also use Rouvy on my IPAD to control the trainer and then just record the Rally metrics on the 830.
The first few weeks, everything looked perfect in GC. Last week I started noticing a few power and cadence drop outs each ride and it continues to get worse every ride.
Here is today's workout
Not sure what to try. I get the drop outs if I use Rouvy or the 830 to control the work out. I recorded a short workout today on my FR945 and it shows the same drop outs too.
It seems that may have coincided with the FR945 beta firmware I installed, but not sure, I will leave my 945 off and a long ways away for my next workout. Not sure if the 945 could cause this or not?
I will submit a ticket, but any suggestions on things to try would be appreciated.