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Auto brightness too dark?

I just opened my new Edge 840 (NON-SOLAR) and updated to the newest firmware. I am comparing side by side on my desk with my Edge 530. The auto brightness seems quite a bit darker on the 840 compared to the 530, with both in Auto mode. 

Curious if anyone else is seeing the same thing. Thanks

  • just got an 840 solar (was on 830) and no wow on my face for first ride. Got it updated to 21.16 but what others mention here, screen is very dark and auto-brightness does not compensate at all! indoors, brightness remain in low (auto-brightness is set to auto) and barely can read the screen and riding outdoors, i don't see the brightness moving to max (auto-brightness is set to auto) as i would expect....outdoors under a shade is hard to read the screen and although i know the solar is a bit darker, was not expecting such

  • Welcome to the 840 Dark Screen experience.

    10 months ago I upgraded from a 530 to the 840 Non Solar and immediately noticed the difference in display brightness. As you will see many of us in this group have posted to Garmin regarding the 840 display brightness for almost a year and nothing has been done about it!  I would suggest returning your new 840 while you can because I have zero faith that Garmin will ever fix this problem.  It must be the actual display hardware and its limitations to go any brighter. If it was fixable by a software tweak they would have done it by now as there have been multiple Software updates over the last year.  

    Hard to believe they did not catch this in their Q&A before releasing the product!  All they had to do is to set it next to the 530 and compare display brightness.  Very frustrating as display brightness is important to me. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • I’m quite sure this is a software issue because you can disable auto brightness and manually set the brightness level.

  • Yes, software 100%. The display looks fine when it's at the right brightness... it just needs to be fixed so it actually responds to ambient brightness changes.

  • This issue concerns only the auto brightness function. The display (non solar version!) is okay and similar to the 530. A bug fix is needed asap…

    Dear Garmin, please!

  • The best way to illustrate the auto brightness issue of the Edge 840 is to compare it next to an Edge 530 with the same settings (auto brightness enabled, backlight timeout set to stays on). Photos taken with an iPhone 13 Pro with AE/AF locked. Edge 530 on the left and Edge 840 (non-solar) on the right.

    This last photo is taken with auto brightness disabled and brightness set to 100%. As you can tell, at 100% brightness, the display on Edge 840 is not quite as bright as the Edge 530 but there's no problem seeing the display.

  • An interesting thing to look at when comparing 830 vs 840 on the auto-bright is the 830 when auto is selected does not really allow you to manually slide the adjustment whereas the 840 just highlights the auto, but does allow the slider to be my opinion if it's auto, it's auto and the right behavior is what the 830 show

    one other thing of interest when comparing both and just show what i mentioned on my first ride/impressions with the 840, where riding outdoor the screen is dark and under a shade (and with glare) hard to see (because it's the fact that the 830 under sunlight auto brightness makes the intensity higher and in the 840 i am seeing the exact opposite, that is, under sun light (or even a flash light directed at the light sensor) is actually making the auto brightness go to lowest.... (Garmin, read this -> THIS IS EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE SENSOR SHOULD DO! Now if this isn't a bug i don't know what to say.

    If any here do the same test with a flashlight (or under sun light) while the above screen is shown (auto-brightness set to on) do you also see your brightness slider moving automatically the brightness to lowest?

  • I confirm. I have an 840, and when riding in bright sunlight, but the 840 is covered by shadows it's impossible to read the display.

  • I can confirm this. The 840 does exactly THE OPPOSITE of what it should do. Under bright light (tested with flashlight) the backlight increases, in the dark it decreases. I also have a 1040 here and that one does work properly. Backlight increase in the dark and decrease in light.

    @garmin READ THIS. This is 100% a bug, and not a small one. Will report this to  so that he can make a nice video Slight smile

  • My fees for making hitman videos are expensive... :)