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Auto brightness too dark?

I just opened my new Edge 840 (NON-SOLAR) and updated to the newest firmware. I am comparing side by side on my desk with my Edge 530. The auto brightness seems quite a bit darker on the 840 compared to the 530, with both in Auto mode. 

Curious if anyone else is seeing the same thing. Thanks

  • I have similar issue where my edge 840 is too dim. Is there any fix? Feel free to reach out.

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Canada

  • Please do email me directly


    Comparing Edge 530 to Edge 840 Solar, both set to auto brightness

  • In fact, it’s too dark in a dark room, medium light, and in direct sunlight.

  • HI - any further updates? I am having the same issues coming from an Edge 530, the auto setting on 840 (non solar) is too dim both indoor and outdoors, need to set to almost 100% to make it readable / comparable to brightness on 530.  

    Permission to contact me directly.  USA.

  • I agree with the above statements.  The Garmin Edge 840 (NON-SOLAR) 840 is definitely dimmer at full brightness than the Garmin 530 at full brightness.  It was the first thing i noticed when i turned the 840 on.

    This is very disappointing and i hope that a fix is in process to be released.  I love everything else about the 840 except it's lack of brightness..

    For both units i have Auto Brightness off, Brightness at 100%, Backlight Timeout set to "Stays On" and Color Mode set to "Day".  I have a few Pics of the units side by side but cannot figure out how to attach the file to this note.  I clicked on the drop down "Insert" menu and clicked on "Image - Video File" and a strange screen opened asking me for a "File/URL" with no ability to identify a file or its location.

    If you would like the Picture of the 2 units side by side please send me an email address for you so that i can attach and send the file to you.  
    Thank you, Lou
  • Also, you have permission to contact me directly.  USA.

    Thanks, Lou

  • Too dark in the woods on a mountain bike as well

  • Yes, also the manual brightness is lower compared with 530. Around 10-20%.

  • Garmin-Amy, wondering if Garmin is ever going to address the Brightness issue on the Edge 840??  Respectfully dozens of us have met your request of providing pictures of the 830 brightness compared to the 840.  We have also explained in detail the situation.  Every one of us has the same problem which is massive disappointment with the brightness of the Display on the 840.  I do not believe we have heard ANYTHING from GARMIN for the last 4 months on this very valid problem.  Could you please provide us with an update and guidance on what is being done about this??   Is this a software fix or a hardware problem??  

    Hopefully Garmin can fix this with a software upgrade that is released very Soon.  I think everyone on here would rank this as a number 1 problem with the 840 so hopefully Garmin is making it their # 1 priority to provide a prompt fix.  it is unacceptable to not have heard anything on this for 4 months.  Could you please help us now??  

    Thank you very much, Lou

  • I suspect they have deliberately gimped the non-solar to make it less obvious that the solar makes the display look worse.