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Auto brightness too dark?

I just opened my new Edge 840 (NON-SOLAR) and updated to the newest firmware. I am comparing side by side on my desk with my Edge 530. The auto brightness seems quite a bit darker on the 840 compared to the 530, with both in Auto mode. 

Curious if anyone else is seeing the same thing. Thanks

  • I second this as well, but what’s a bit more disappointing is that, when compared to my 530, cranking up the brightness reduces contrast if using white text on a black background. The lcd backlight washes out the blacks so that they look gray. It’s probably a result of using the “clear” lcd background instead of the black lcd on the 530. 

  • Hello everyone…I upgraded from a 520 and I am finding the brightness to be too dim as well.

    What has everyone found to be the best setting for Road with sunglasses as well as mountain biking in the woods?

  • You can email me directly.


    Both Edge 530 and 840 are on auto-brightness with backlight on. The 840 is still readable in this dim but daytime lighting condition. It was not readable a few nights ago when I first got the device and was trying to set it up in the evening in a dim room.

  • I too find the auto-brightness too dim when using it inside. When I took the 840 from the box and tried to make initial setup while at home (normal inside lightning), I couldn't really use it until I manually adjusted the brightness for some none-negligible amount. It would be nice if Edge 840 could remember the adjusted offset and then apply it automatically whenever auto-brightness is in use.

  • I had the same experience while setting it up in the evening. Now that I think about it, I didn't even think taping on the screen or any of the buttons activated the backlight. So I suspect there was a software issue that prevented the backlight from turning on.

  • Yes permission to email directly 


    Edge 530

  • I have the same problem its all most unreadable in Auto its so dark .....I have to have the slide to full brightness ......And on a FULL charge its telling me Ive a estimated 8 Hrs battery life ??????????

    Non solar 840 ..........Was so excited as well and well its just disappointing

  • Hi all, thanks for your feedback about the the auto-brightness setting. A ticket was created and has been escalated. We're looking into this concern and I will post here once I receive any updates.

  • Take a Edge 830 and a Edge 840 set the slider bars to the middle exactly the same on both units and the Edge 840 is way way darker screen and just lacks luster with dull non bright colors compared to the 830...........Hope this can be fixed Garmin else this is a HUGE back wards steep......If I had known I would have stuck with my 830 its that bad ............and all the wonderful 840 upgrades don't mean a thing if the screens dark and naff ...........

  • Yes, the x40 series are very disappointing. Very poor screen readability.