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New Edge 830 Public Beta 3.55 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 830 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • If you experience problems with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please visit the Garmin forum for the Edge 830. Please note that you may not get a response to the forum post unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.55:

  • Made visual improvements to ClimbPro, including more granular coloring on the ClimbPro chart and the ability to preview future climbs.
  • Made ClimbPro a separate screen in the timer loop, so the elevation screen is still available during a climb.
  • Fixed issues with ClimbPro that caused the climb or list screens to display improperly.
  • Added new ClimbPro messages to activity FIT files.
  • Changed the Incident Detection setting to be set for each activity profile, and defaulted the setting to OFF for Mountain and E-Mountain profiles where false positives can be more likely due to terrain and riding style.
  • Fixed an issue where Incident Detection could get re-enabled if the user has emergency contacts listed in Garmin Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where prompts could appear over the Incident Detection alert, so it could not be acknowledged by the user.
  • Added the ability to disable the ForkSight page that appears when you stop during a Mountain activity.
  • Added the ability to turn off Grit, Flow, and Jump recording in FIT files for Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles.
  • Added the ability to turn off jump alerts in Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles. Jumps will still be recorded in the FIT file but you will not be alerted during your ride.
  • Improved the MTB Navigation interface to utilize the new Riding Area and parking lot data available in the 2019.10 Trailforks map.
  • Fixed an issue where the map zoom and orientation were not properly returning to their original values after the ForkSight page was displayed in a Mountain activity.
  • Fixed some map drawing issues with the latest 2019.10 Trailforks maps.
  • Started using 7-day GPS ephemeris data instead of 3-day data, to improve positioning when new ephemeris data is not available.
  • Added protections against injecting bad GPS ephemeris data that could come from older versions of Garmin Express.
  • Fixed issues with popularity routing.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the device to generate large activity files and freeze during navigation.
  • Fixed an issue where the battery would not charge to 100%.
  • Increased the minimum sharp bend warning speed to 15mph.
  • Fixed an issue causing erroneous FTP values.
  • Modified the FTP test to lap at the end instead of stopping the timer so the ride will continue to record when the test completes.
  • Fixed incorrect automatic gear selection for Di2 shifters.
  • Fixed an issue where Di2 battery empty was improperly reported as eBike battery empty.
  • Fixed issues with the cycling dynamics page.
  • Added the ability to choose between two different radar tones.
  • Fixed a display issue with the power zone chart.
  • Fixed some display issues with the lap summary data screen.
  • Improved the interface for editing data fields on the map screen.
  • Added extra layout options to the map page to support a larger elevation profile.
  • Made improvements to the elevation profile for segments embedded in a course.
  • Fixed an issue where Connect IQ data fields could only be added to the current activity profile.
  • Implemented better user feedback to convey the LiveTrack status.
  • Improved overall device stability.

Installation Instructions

  1. Connect your Edge 830 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  2. Download and unzip and place the GUPDATE.gcd file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.
  3. Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.
  4. If you would like to revert to the last public release software, follow the above steps but place the GUPDATE-350.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device.
    NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults.
  • No, in fact mine is reasonably close to my old Edge 1000 in accuracy. For example, here's a couple of nearly identical rides that I do with our younger riders, one with the Edge 1000, one with the Edge 830:

    As you can see, both they are pretty close (8% difference). For comparison, a quick plot on plotaroute suggests that this route is around 1700ft climb, so we're in the right ballpark.

    The 830 trace was with the non-beta GPS firmware and 8.50 (non-beta) software, as this was recorded last week before the beta came out.

  • It's first time for me that it is obvious that elevation figures are not correct. The only difference is that I'm using FW 3.55 now. Before elevation figures seemed to be reasonable so that I haven't really questioned these.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    Updated to 3.55 beta, I was thinking, I have iOS13 beta, let's go all the way.

    Well, what a mistake. Nothing works, even much more than usual :) Garmin Connect cannot pair with Edge 830.

    I can pair with 830 in BT settings, but then iPhone says "accessory not supported".

    Good job everyone... that's Beta life Slight smile

  • As it happens, I repeated an identical ride this morning with the 3.55 firmware, so can compare with the Edge 1000:

    Even I'm impressed with how close these match, more by luck than by judgement, I'm sure!

  • me too. same probleme here since install 3.55 Beta

  • Same here, after installing 3.55 no correct elvation totals. Attitude measurement is correct, but total over the ride is almost two time as it was with the previous version

  • First ride with update seemed fine.  But twice now, after I leave it on my charger for a few hours, I can't seem to get the device to wake up.  I have to long-press the power button for 10+ sec to get the device to turn on.  I could understand a long press (2 sec) but not sure why this is?  It didn't do it before the update.

  • When can we see it as official release ? ;)

  • Installed 3.55 Beta two days ago out of frustration with 3.50 bugs.  It might have fixed some bugs but there still are so many. Here are a few...

    1.  Max heart rate still resets to something incompatible with life with jersey flapping even though Auto Detect Max is disabled.  Time in heart rate zones is then meaningless.

    2.  Gradient displayed is randomly up to 5% more or less than older Edge units.  My unit has never been wet and opening the USB cover makes no difference.  My impression is that gradient displayed is more inaccurate if a course is either running or has been running and then stopped and is more inaccurate with 3.55 than it was with 3.50.  Total elevation gained is pretty accurate and the profile shown in the activity later is pretty accurate.

    3.  Displayed elevation is not accurate and drifts way too much when a known elevation is entered.  My Edge 800 is  much more accurate and stable

    4.  Navigation is absolutely hopeless.  I've created courses and downloaded either from Strava or RidewithGPS and installed either FIT or TCX files but none work.  If the default Turn Guidance is left enabled the top panel of the map display that should show what street  is upcoming and distance to next is blank but if I open the cue sheet there are bogus distance to next listed in 10 meter intervals but no actual turn instructions.  I expect if I left the course running I would end up with a huge unusable FIT file as happened often in version 3.50 and is listed as fixed in 3.55.  If I disable turn guidance I get no guidance at all and although the next street is sometimes listed at the top of the map, there is no distance to next and no guidance.  Unfortunately navigation that worked pretty well on my old Edge 800 does not work at all  on the 830 with 3.55.

    5. If a course is running the elevation profile does not auto zoom to show a readable profile.

    There is a lot to like about the 830 but there are so many frustrating bugs.  I used to think that my old Edge 500 and 800 were expensive toys and I'm thinking the 830 is the same.

  • After the update, my first ride worked ok as far as connection to the phone.  The only issue I had was that it didn't connect to my speed and cadence sensors initially.  I tried manually connecting but it didn't work.  It connected by itself once I started moving.

    But the next ride I had the behavior that you describe.  The ride wouldn't save.  I tried manually but the upload option wasn't there.  The 830 wasn't connected to my phone.  I had to remove everything from GC, the phone's blue tooth and the 830's connection and start over.  Re-pair the phone and run through the setup.  Once I did that, my phone sync'd and my ride updated.