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New Edge 830 Public Beta 3.55 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 830 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • If you experience problems with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please visit the Garmin forum for the Edge 830. Please note that you may not get a response to the forum post unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.55:

  • Made visual improvements to ClimbPro, including more granular coloring on the ClimbPro chart and the ability to preview future climbs.
  • Made ClimbPro a separate screen in the timer loop, so the elevation screen is still available during a climb.
  • Fixed issues with ClimbPro that caused the climb or list screens to display improperly.
  • Added new ClimbPro messages to activity FIT files.
  • Changed the Incident Detection setting to be set for each activity profile, and defaulted the setting to OFF for Mountain and E-Mountain profiles where false positives can be more likely due to terrain and riding style.
  • Fixed an issue where Incident Detection could get re-enabled if the user has emergency contacts listed in Garmin Connect.
  • Fixed an issue where prompts could appear over the Incident Detection alert, so it could not be acknowledged by the user.
  • Added the ability to disable the ForkSight page that appears when you stop during a Mountain activity.
  • Added the ability to turn off Grit, Flow, and Jump recording in FIT files for Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles.
  • Added the ability to turn off jump alerts in Mountain and E-Mountain activity profiles. Jumps will still be recorded in the FIT file but you will not be alerted during your ride.
  • Improved the MTB Navigation interface to utilize the new Riding Area and parking lot data available in the 2019.10 Trailforks map.
  • Fixed an issue where the map zoom and orientation were not properly returning to their original values after the ForkSight page was displayed in a Mountain activity.
  • Fixed some map drawing issues with the latest 2019.10 Trailforks maps.
  • Started using 7-day GPS ephemeris data instead of 3-day data, to improve positioning when new ephemeris data is not available.
  • Added protections against injecting bad GPS ephemeris data that could come from older versions of Garmin Express.
  • Fixed issues with popularity routing.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the device to generate large activity files and freeze during navigation.
  • Fixed an issue where the battery would not charge to 100%.
  • Increased the minimum sharp bend warning speed to 15mph.
  • Fixed an issue causing erroneous FTP values.
  • Modified the FTP test to lap at the end instead of stopping the timer so the ride will continue to record when the test completes.
  • Fixed incorrect automatic gear selection for Di2 shifters.
  • Fixed an issue where Di2 battery empty was improperly reported as eBike battery empty.
  • Fixed issues with the cycling dynamics page.
  • Added the ability to choose between two different radar tones.
  • Fixed a display issue with the power zone chart.
  • Fixed some display issues with the lap summary data screen.
  • Improved the interface for editing data fields on the map screen.
  • Added extra layout options to the map page to support a larger elevation profile.
  • Made improvements to the elevation profile for segments embedded in a course.
  • Fixed an issue where Connect IQ data fields could only be added to the current activity profile.
  • Implemented better user feedback to convey the LiveTrack status.
  • Improved overall device stability.

Installation Instructions

  1. Connect your Edge 830 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  2. Download and unzip and place the GUPDATE.gcd file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.
  3. Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.
  4. If you would like to revert to the last public release software, follow the above steps but place the GUPDATE-350.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device.
    NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults.
  • Another road ride this morning (1.5 hours) and another bunch of frustrating dropouts with slow re-connects. Running Beta 3.55 with Edge 830 paired to stages power, garmin hrm run strap and varia rearview radar. All drops would simultaneously drop all BT connected devices at once so it's obviously my head unit. Back to the drawing board with this one 

  • Why you connect your devices over BLE? Connect with ANT+ If the device has ANT+ .

  • To my knowledge there's only one way to connect any of the devices... I've never seen an option to choose a BLE or ANT+ connection... it appears they just "are what they are"? 

  • Did you call those in to have a ticket raised?

  • Tried it this morning. It wouldn't connect to my phone and it looked like a problem with the legacy bluetooth connection which refused to connect although the BT4 connection was OK. I did a forced restart on my iPhone and that resolved it. Did make me wonder if many of the bluetooth problems on the unit are related to the dual bluetooth stack and whether it's time to drop legacy. I know it's there because it's faster but maybe it's worth taking the slower connection if it improves reliability. As many of the large file transfers between phone and edge are compressible maybe they could be compressed before transferring or something, especially now there's more processing power in the unit.

    I didn't get a chance to try ClimbPro improvements as my commute isn't that hilly, I'll try that at the weekend on the club ride.

    I did notice one bug that's not yet resolved which is the missing "Recent Finds" option in navigation. 

    Otherwise everything seemed to work well.

  • It tends to find the device faster via BLE, you just have to wait till the same sensor pops up via ANT+

    In my experience the ant+ id is only numbers, while the bluetooth can be a name, or a mac address 11:22:33:44:55:66

  • I understand that ANT+ is better than BLE but that article still doesn't say how to connect that way when you have a choice. I'll try the way berislavbabic mentioned above 

  • At least for me, everything looks working now.

  • Yesterday I rode about 175 Km with my Edge 830 on 3.55 beta and FR945 watch with newest beta (FW 2.64).

    While the FR945 counted climbed meteres of about 2,000 the Edge 830 only counted 1,028.
    Has anyone else experienced such behaviour with his Edge 830?

    Furthermore, during navigation of this tour there were 13 climbs shown with ClimbPro. The current gradient shown was not correct. Partially it felt like going 5-8 % up but ClimbPro was indicating negativ gradient.