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Sensor Dropout Feedback

We realize how important sensor data is to our customers and how frustrating it can be when there are issues with it. If you are experiencing these issues with sensor drop outs the engineering team would like to understand the following information to help understand the issue.

  1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
  2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
  3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
  4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
  5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
  1. Did you have your phone connected?
    1. Is it Android or iOS?
    2. What version of GCM do you have?
    3. Were you using LiveTrack?
  2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  • Edge 830 


    2. 33 minutes

    3. only using 1 sensor for my power meter

    4. The sensor connection did not recover

    5. Stages power meter over ANT +

    • 6. Phone was connected; IOS; GCM version; I was not using LiveTrack
  • Today I went for a 60 mile ride, All sensors dropped and recover by them self in less than a minute, it happened 4 times. 

  • First test ride with beta firmware 3.33 (53km), I did not loose sensors and I also tested GPS+Galileo and it worked very well (it was in Belgium). 

    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using? 3.50
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur? 35mins
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one? Power and cadence can be seen, I cannot tell if HR because it stays the same.
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own? Yes, but the dropouts ocurred 10+ times in the ride.
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred? Power (specialized 4iiii), Heart rate, and cadence (the one on the power meter.)
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE? None
    1. Did you have your phone connected? Yes
      1. Is it Android or iOS? Android
      2. What version of GCM do you have? 4.2
      3. Were you using LiveTrack? No
    2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  • Shows version 3.50.  However, it may have updated as I downloaded data, so that may not be the version running when dropouts occurred.  Trying new Vector 3 pedals.  Lost connection at 51 mins and 1hr 23 mins into ride.  Both times after a short traffic stop - Both times recovered on their own after subsequent stop.  Possibly connected with Auto Stop feature? 

    Vector 3 pedals were only ones to drop. Confirmed they are connected Ant+.  No cell phone connected.  Other devices connected - Heart Rate Monitor, Speed Sensor.  Both Garmin devices.

  • Same problem - lost 15 mins of todays ride.  What's the fix Gamin? These cost $1000.  Need to do better.

  • Edge 830 with beta firmware 3.55.

    Disconnected remote halfway through the ride with navigation active, after pausing (self and the gps as well). After re-start, connection to remote did not pick up again.

    • FW 3.55
    • 3 hour ride
    • disconnected Garmin remote halfway after pausing gps at coffeebreak
    • iOS phone, latest version of GCM (today)
  • 1. 830  3.50

    2. Regularly during the 4h ride, more frequently in the end. About 30 times over 4h

    3. Only powermeter 4iiii newest model

    4. Yes, in about 10s connection was back

    5. Wahoo Tickr and 4iiii Podiiiiium Ultegra

    a. Nothing connected over BLE

    6. Not connected

  • Hi, I've recently purchased 830 and I am facing the same issues (sensor dropout plus insane power values):

    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using? 3.5
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur? 24min for 6 min and later 46min for 5min
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one? No just Tacx neo. The funny thing is that tacx was following workout targeted power zone
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own? Yes
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE? Tacx neo and HR monitor
    1. Did you have your phone connected?
      1. Is it Android or iOS? No
      2. What version of GCM do you have? No
      3. Were you using LiveTrack? No
    2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible

    Additionally, my 3s power reading was correct (average 150W) but after the workout I noticed the following in GC workout summary : 

    1. Max Avg Power (20 min): 332W

    2. Normalized Power® (NP®) 801 W

    3. Intensity Factor® (IF®) 3,926.......

    4. TSS 1.110,9........

    I hope we can somehow resolved. 

  • Can you post the FIT activity file?

    There was a bug in Garmin Connect where it was recomputing the power stats, but that was fixed last week. Maybe it is still there.