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Edge 530 sensor dropouts since installing 8.0 firmware

After installing the new 8.0 software/firmware on my Edge 530, I'm getting repeated sensor loss and then Found messages (about every 5-15 second) while on a ride.

It's only the connection to my SRAM eTap that's having this issue and it wasn't occurring with the 7.10 version.

There's no battery warning from the eTap and they (front and rear derailleur) are shifting just fine.

Other ANT+ devices are all Garmin and no dropouts seems to be occurring for any of them: Remote, HR, Vector Power Meter Pedals.

I'm going to try removing the device and rediscover it as well as fully charge the eTap batteries to see if that makes a difference.

Anyone experience anything similar with the new 8.0 version?

  • Same issue for me all of a sudden. Everything has been working perfectly for months and nothign changed. I didn't update anything.

    On the last two rides, my 530 is losing and finding sensors over and over and over.

    Is there no fix?

  • Mine appears to only drop out when I come to complete stop.  When I take off reconnects again.  But does this for all sensors

  • Same issue here with cadence sensor dropping when not pedaling or  whenpedaling at low frequency.

  • I had some success today. I turned off every connected feature not required for my indoor training session.

    Turned off wifi and bluetooth on my laptop.

    Turned off wifi on my phone.

    Disabled wifi and phone connection on my Garmin 530

    No drop outs or lost sensors during my whole session. Next I'll try adding back what I turned off one by one.

  • The Solution is quite simple: „You have to quit the connection to your phone, then everything will work fine“. This worked for me. As a longterm Garminuser you have to be inventive. 

  • I was given edge 530 as a gift recently. Unfortunately sensors keep dropping very badly. I'm trying to do workouts on smart trainer.
    Power drops to zero almost every minute (workout in ERG mode).

    Tried to downgrade to 7.1 (from 9.1) but issue seems same. 

    I'm so frustrated, probably will switch to Wahoo Element Bolt.

    Garmin do something FFS.

  • Under settings -> connected features, try turning off the connection to your phone. I only get these sensor drops indoors and when my iphone is connected to the 530. Outdoors, I have no problems.

  • Thanks for suggestion.

    I've tried following:

    - move my home wifi to channel 1
    - Disable Edge 530 Blootooth connection & Wifi connection

    Drops are still there, in the current form it's unusable for me. I've been using my PC to control Wahoo kickr (Even further distance) for 2 months without any issues.

    Switched to Garmin 530 and has these constants power drops. See yourself, did FTP hold test yesterday and it shows AVG as 187w while reality is that AVG should be like 230w for that session. Totally unusable.

  • I figured out something new. The chief culprit for my dropouts seems to be the 2.4ghz 802.11 radio on my MacBook pro. I changed my MacBook to connect to the 5ghz channel on my router and I hardly get a dropout. If I turn off wifi I'm sure to get zero dropouts.

    I only get this indoors with my Kickr connecting to my phone and the Garmin via bluetooth. I also have a ant+ chest strap and power meter connected to the Garmin.

    My conclusion is to look for 2.4ghz sources of interference. It could even be a neighbor if you lived in a small apartment. At minimum, turn off all wifi and bluetooth on other devices (not just the Garmin) and see if that makes a difference.

  • You are right! On my way home, from work, i switched the wifi off (Iphone12max). No sensor had lost his connection. Maybe we have found a solution, let‘s see. Metal