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Edge 530 sensor dropouts since installing 8.0 firmware

After installing the new 8.0 software/firmware on my Edge 530, I'm getting repeated sensor loss and then Found messages (about every 5-15 second) while on a ride.

It's only the connection to my SRAM eTap that's having this issue and it wasn't occurring with the 7.10 version.

There's no battery warning from the eTap and they (front and rear derailleur) are shifting just fine.

Other ANT+ devices are all Garmin and no dropouts seems to be occurring for any of them: Remote, HR, Vector Power Meter Pedals.

I'm going to try removing the device and rediscover it as well as fully charge the eTap batteries to see if that makes a difference.

Anyone experience anything similar with the new 8.0 version?

  • This problem is not unique to 8.x code.  It has been around for at least 5 years.  My Edge 520 did this and I was hoping they would have fixed it in the 530, but no.  This has been an ongoing problem since the 530 was first introduced.  Garmin has been hearing about it for years and has done nothing to fix it through all the firmware releases.  I have started to wonder if it is a problem in the radio chip they use given they have not addressed it with any firmware release.  If it is in the silicon, no amount of complaining is going to get them to change it, nor is it ever going to be fixed in any firmware release.  Just my guess.

  •  it is interest, i had 510, 1000 and 820, and now 830 but i never had such a problem in the past  (with 830 neither prior 8.xx), i dont use mobile BT connection , it is turned off, i have just ANT+ sensors. Maybe You had problem with BT on, probably with dual data transmission the comm. chip was freezing/restarting more frequent due to heavier load. 

  • It IS specific to this firmware! We have two garmin edge 530 devices. Both happily connected to several ANT+ sensors. No problems at all. Firmware 8.x came; dropouts during every ride on both devices. My wife has so much dropouts that she had to disable speedsensor, otherwise data stored in FIT file was unusable. A firmware downgrade will fix the issue, so definitely not a hardware issue nor sensor issue!

  • This issue is common to the 530, 830 and 1030 Plus. On my 830 I downgraded to the 7.1 software and all Bluetooth and sensor issues were resolved. There is no functionality that 8.0 and 8.2 enable that I need. 

  • I don't have a solution but just wanted to add that I'm experiencing these drop-outs too with 8.20 - particularly the speed sensor.

    Come on Garmin - let's fix this

  • Anyone know if a fix is around the corner? I'm still getting dropouts. it's not the end of the world but it is basic functionality and i keep getting glowing reports from friends with the karoo 2...


  • Report it to Garmin Support.

    I was having issues with drop outs with the PM. Contacted Garmin, bit of back and fro and now getting a new 530 sent out . 

  • That is great for you but comical from Garmin. if you have the latest FW on the brand new unit, the chances are that you'll have the same issue. Whatever you do, don't install the latest FW if you are offered a choice !


  • Thank you for working with your local support team to get that exchange set up. If this does not resolve your issues, this is still an ongoing internal ticket and we hope to have positive news to share soon. 

  • I know that now, like everyone else. The 530 was new at the start of January, so had a few FW updates since then.