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Some sensors never reconnect after a paused ride with 5.50

Today I did my first ride after the update of firmware to 5.50 . Everything connect up fine, the sensors were:

1. Wahoo HR strap

2. Quarq spider power meter (cadence comes from here)

3. Garmin speed sensor

4. SRAM force eTap shifters

5. Varia RTL 510 radaeer/light

After a few miles we did a coffee shop stop, I pressed the play button to pause the ride (it also has auto-pause enabled but didn't want it pausing and unpausing as I walked with the bike to the bike stand).

After about 20-25 minutes pressed play button again to resume the ride, this time the power meter and heart rate sensor never connected back again. At the end of the ride I checked the heart rate sensor against my Garmin watch and it looked fine. Haven't checked the power meter yet but I checked it's battery before leaving and it was fine at that time. So for the remainder of my ride, I was missing power, cadence and heart rate.

Are there any best practices to avoid sensor disconnection after long pauses?


  • Did you get s solution to this?

    I've just been for a ride, on my gravel bike month old 530 with 5.50 firmware, and a brand new Tickr HR strap with latest firmware. Paused while I stopped, resumed. Checked my ride data and no HR was recorded after the pause.

    I didn't notice as I don't have HR on the main page on the gravel bike profile.

    Just checked and it was still disconnected. I went into sensors and hit connect and it found it and reconnected ok.

    Rode last week on my road bike, speed sensor, cadence, Garmin hr strap. The unit auto paused lots and no sensor drops so perhaps linked to hitting the physical pause button. I'll see if the button/drop is repeatable.

    I also have a Fenix 5+ and am getting hr days from the Tickr for a full run. I'll try pausing and see if there are any dropouts.

  • Not really, only the workaround of forcing the power off and on again, which thankfully doesn't lose the ride. But you have to notice the problem and then stop to do that. Annoying to say the least.

    I did get in touch with Garmin  support and was told there have been a few complaints of sensor drops, but all they offered was a way to turn on debug ANT logging and asked me to send a ride file with that setting on the next time it happened.

    Fortunately or unfortunately it hasn't happened since. The only difference I can tell is that when it happened, the manual pause was for a much longer period, and much shorter in my recent rides.

    Was your pause fairly long as well? Mine when I saw the issue was about 20-25 minutes.




  • My pause was 11 minutes.

    Checking the file, I can see that the HR is connected during the pause, it disconnected when I resumed the activity!  From the attachment Connect screenshot you can see where speed dropped to zero and elevation is constant, HR and respiration carry on until I hit resume, when speed changes, elevation decreases and HR cuts out.

    I am not 100% sure on the button presses, so I'll try and replicate it and see what happens.

  • I have the same issue paused a ride after 30min unpaused it cadence and hrm not connecting checked sensors with garmin watch everything pairing up had to save ride and restart my garmin then had to merge my files when I got home I never had this b4 the update

  • I also used to get that, but not, so far, with firmware 6.0.0

  • Here we are 2 years later, I'm seeing the same behavior with Edge 1040 and speed/cadence sensors. After pausing the ride they wouldn't reconnect, have to go and connect manually through the menus. 

    My Whoop HR sensor sometimes wouldn't connect at all after pausing (even though I would verify that it can work with phone at the same time).