Temperature Reading Inaccurate

I have found that the temperature reading of the Edge 1050 is inaccurate by a few degrees Celsius.

Is there any way to calibrate the temperature sensor to adjust for this discrepancy? 

  • Garmin Tempe is incompatible with all the Edges I heard. Maybe the 1050 not?

  • Tempe sensor is compatible since Edge 1040. You can connect it as sensor!

  • Martin, I do have the Tempe sensor. It does work with my edge 1030+. For it to work, you have to install the "Tempe field" IQ Store data app. Now, like mcinner1 mentioned, since a recent firmware, the 1040 sees directly the "Tempe" sensor. It's also been seen directly with the new 1050. I still prefer the "Tempe field" data app on my 1050. The Tempe sensor temperature can be adjusted. I added 0.5 C° on mine.

  • My 1040 used the Tempe sensor without the Tempe plugin, but the 1050 seems to need it. The 1050 paired fine, but it didn't seem like it was reporting what the Tempe sensed.


  • I've done some tests, since I have two units to compare. The 1050 does not need the "Tempe field" app to work. It does, offer the option of adding/substracting an offset to the temperature. If instead, you add the Tempe in the add sensor in the 1050 menu, you have to go, after pressing to select it in one slot, to go to: category/ other/ temperature. Now, depending if in your sensor menu, the Tempe is activated or deactivated, it will show either your Tempe or the Edge unit temperature. With this method, you can not, from what I saw, be able to offset the temperature like "Tempe field" app. I did search in Garmin Connect app on my phone...could only see that the sensor is recognize, but no options offered. With both methods, both displayed the same temperature, being in my living room 22.7 C°. If the Tempe is deactivated in the sensor menu of the 1050, it showed 29.3C° instead.


    Like I mentioned in an earlier post, With the "Tempe field" app, I added a + 0.5C° to compensate for a little difference in ambiant temperature.

    I located my Tempe sensor free floating with a rubber band under my saddle between the rear rails. it's protected from the sun and not touching anything around it, that could give a false reading from the airflow temperature.

  • The experience today was at the start of the ride the sensor was reading 3°C higher as previously mentioned. During the ride the Edge 1050 crashed and rebooted. Looking at the activity I can see that the temperature reading increased by 2°C before the unit crashed (a 2°C increase would mean that the unit was reading 5°C higher than the actual ambient temperature).

    The thinking is that the unit is running hotter due to increased CPU activity and this increased CPU load was the cause of the crash and the reason why the ambient temperature reading is inaccurate. The unit is running firmware 9.11 and also crashed when it was running firmware 9.09.

  • As most people have pointed out, the Temp datafield may be just something Garmin threw in. The Edge 1050 manual states that exposure to sunlight, holding the device in your hand, or using the optional battery pack can result in a high temperature reading. I use Windfield and tend to treat Garmin's temperature field as the device temperature, not the actual ambient air temperature.