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Edge 1040 (21.18) Drops All Sensors Just After Starting a Ride (when using ConnectIQ Data Fields)


I know there are threads regarding this issue, but they are all locked. So I cannot add to them. (Also found some on the Edge 840 forums eg and

New Edge 1040 User here. Went on 3 rides so far. First ride no issues. Second ride the issues started and were exactly the same on the third ride. 

ISSSUE DESCRIPTION: When I wake the Edge 1040 all sensors connect, then when starting the ride right away the Garmin Dual HRM, Garmin Varia RTL 515 and the 4iiii Power Meter will drop. I need to power down the device and restart, then they will reconnect. Obviously I have to stop before I can do that. Not really ideal when you just took off (it is downhill from my home right away).

The only change I made between ride 1 and ride 2 was that I installed the ConnectIQ store and added 2 data fields: WindField and hGradeMax. I am on the latest firmware 21.18.

From what I've read, other users have had the same issue in relation to ConnectIQ. Over a year ago... This should really be fixed by now, because this literally breaks the core functionality of the device... I tested uninstalling the datafields also removed ConnectIQ from the device as I have read on those linked posts, that this may be a solution. IT DID SOLVE THE ISSUE.

However this is not a satisfactory solution. The sensors should work, even with ConnectIQ. I really like the WindField data field.

  • I have the same problem and although uninstalling Windfield did help with the loss of connectivity to my 4iiii power meter and my heart sensor, I still lose connectivity to my Varia UT800 and RTL515 lights, although the radar component of the RTL515 works fine. Putting the device to sleep usually triggers it, but it's happened mid-ride too.