Edge 1040 (21.18) Drops All Sensors Just After Starting a Ride (when using ConnectIQ Data Fields)


I know there are threads regarding this issue, but they are all locked. So I cannot add to them. (Also found some on the Edge 840 forums eg https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/356573/all-sensors-disconnect-shortly-after-activity-start and https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/340641/840-drops-all-sensors-when-starting-an-activity#pifragment-1290=2

New Edge 1040 User here. Went on 3 rides so far. First ride no issues. Second ride the issues started and were exactly the same on the third ride. 

ISSSUE DESCRIPTION: When I wake the Edge 1040 all sensors connect, then when starting the ride right away the Garmin Dual HRM, Garmin Varia RTL 515 and the 4iiii Power Meter will drop. I need to power down the device and restart, then they will reconnect. Obviously I have to stop before I can do that. Not really ideal when you just took off (it is downhill from my home right away).

The only change I made between ride 1 and ride 2 was that I installed the ConnectIQ store and added 2 data fields: WindField and hGradeMax. I am on the latest firmware 21.18.

From what I've read, other users have had the same issue in relation to ConnectIQ. Over a year ago... This should really be fixed by now, because this literally breaks the core functionality of the device... I tested uninstalling the datafields also removed ConnectIQ from the device as I have read on those linked posts, that this may be a solution. IT DID SOLVE THE ISSUE.

However this is not a satisfactory solution. The sensors should work, even with ConnectIQ. I really like the WindField data field.

  • I see. The threading in this forum sometimes is a bit hard to decipher. Anyway, I didn't even know the 1040 had LTE. Does it a have cell connection? I certainly did not activate any SIM or plan on it.

  • he's talking about changing the phone to turn off wifi if i read that correctly

  • As I understand it, he sets the phone to only use LTE data connection, instead of falling back to 2g/3g (which normally is something like an Auto setting, or 2g/3g/4g/5g). He also states somewhere that he thinks the issue occurs when the phone switches back to a slower data speed (2g/3g). Which would imply that some proces on the Edge hangs or times out while waiting for data (which never comes, or comes too late). 

    I don't think the problem is in de Windfield app, but more in the way ConnectIQ handles data transfer and timeouts from data transfer. Most CIQ apps don't actively use a data connection via the phone, so they won't be affected. Windfield actively needs a data connection to get up to date weather info. So it would seem kinda logical that if there's something wrong with the ConnectIQ coding, and the whole ConnectIQ runtime in the edge hangs while waiting on data that never (or very slowly) arrives, other ConnectIQ apps would be affected. 

  • No. I'm talking about "LTE only" mode for my Android smartphone. When my phone changes network mode between LTE and H+, between H+ and H etc. then I got sensors dropout.

    "LTE only" mode makes my phone don't change network mode. So I'm not getting sensors dropouts.

    During two months I tested "LTE only" and got only two or three dropouts during whole this period. And got 3-5-10 dropouts everyday before switching to "LTE only".

  • I have an iPhone. I don't think there is such a mode there. However I do have a spot that I ride through immediately upon setting off on a ride, where there's EDGE coverage at best. So maybe the switch from Wifi/3G at the ride's starting point to EDGE just a few seconds later does cause this. But if that is the culprit, it still is a software bug. No reason this should cause other sensors to drop out, that are on a client to client direct ANT+ connection. The data update to the Connect IQ fields via the phone should be completely independant. At worst the Garmin should just drop those fields or show something like "--" or "N/A" for them.

  • I agree it's a software bug. I think it's somewhere in the CIQ code that handles the http(s) connection between the Garmin via BT through the phone to the internet. It looks like the whole CIQ interpreter gets messed up at some point when the data connection is slow or fails.