I‘m a mountainbiker and ride courses/tracks I uploaded to the device (simple gpx -> NewFiles) without turn by turn guidance.
My settings are: (my menu language is German - so, maybe the translations are not what English menus say…)
Offcourse warning: on
recalculation for route/track (Strecke): autopause
recalculation for course/route (Route): off
What I do:
-load the route/track without turn by turn guidance(no calculation)
-start the ride
All goes as it should until I go off-course (because the track is not that precise, because deviation). Device says „offcourse“ and asks for pause. Ok.
When the track finally was found - „course found“ appears - „continue navigation?“ and then it happens:
the device starts to give my turn by turn guidance!
There‘s no way then, to get rid of guidance. I have to stop and end the track/course and reload it - without tbt guidance.
PS: I know there is a difference between track, course, route - but I‘m a little confused how Garmin use it…