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Navigation instructions hangs at previous course (which in 700km away)

Have ridden last week in France  500km without any problems. Didnt haven to charge the EDGE 1040 SOLAR even when it was not so sunny.

Now I am back in the Netherlands and loaded a course with navigation both map and instructions on.

What happens is the following:

Instructions apear as if I am still riding one of the courses in France!

Normally spoken: When I start navigating the Edge 1040 asks me whether to navigate to the start.

This is not the case now, it shows (as per setting 'next turn')  the distance to a point close to the route.

Normally spoken, with instructions on top of the screen, if you touch that bar a list of the next navigation instructions appear.

Now it shows the  'STOP COURSE' question.

I think and hope it's only something that keeps the Edge 1040 hanging at previous routes?

Deleting all routes didn't solve the issue unfortunately.

Can anyone help me out and tell me what to do in such case?

Thanks in advancel for your advise and help.

Kind regards,


  • As you might have seen in other discussions this has been a problem for almost a year but more reported in recent versions and now also on the new 840.

    What software version do you have?

    Is the “Turn Guidance” enabled or disabled?

    when you deleted courses did you use the “delete” in the 1040 course option or via a computer file delete?

    Do you see the course chevrons on the route line?

    Does it continue to show “instructions” from previous ride or just the first instruction?

    would be good to have screenshots or photo

  • Hi there,

    thanks for the response

    the Turn Guidance is always on, but I noted that with Turn Guidance of there's no difference.

    I have deleted the course both ways: first via the device without results.

    after synching again I have deleted it via Windows Explorer, without results.

    I have even deleted the calcs file as per suggestion noted on this thread:

    I do see the chevrons on the route line in the overview, however they dissapear when I start cycling, then I se a thin purple route line only, which is not as clear as normally spoken.

    The route shows the first instruction and when ticking that the instruction from a previous ride in France appear.

    I have tried to upload all screenshots, but no idea how that works....

    (Now since i am planning a 300km route next week the question is wheter a hard reset will help. You can imagine that for such ride, navigation is handy)

    I noted also that synching via WIFI fails now:

    Hope that some of you know what to do...

    Kind regards,


  • in addition:

    It looks like navigating to a saved location should work, seen that correct instructions and so on appear on the device.

  • You have discovered a new variation of this problem, most people having the issues have Turn Guidance OFF and want it OFF and the workaround offered has been to turn it ON, accepting the unwanted guidance but it generally clears the “ghost course”.

    There are also cache related course files in a POINTCACHE directory, these don’t seem to be created when Turn Guidance is OFF but do if ON, perhaps try clearing these as well.

    As you know the darker magenta line is the loaded route/course and this get overlayed with a slightly wider/lighter color calculated route line. Normally they are the same but with this issue the ghost / previous course is somewhere remote and has the chevrons.

    clearly a problem, almost impossible to describe to Garmin support , they seem to thing it is made up because it seems so odd and unbelievable. 

    I am trying to get Garmin to acknowledge there is a problem.

  • Looking at the photos of the map screens I believe the Turn Guidance processing has not been applied to those routes. There has been an unexplained issue with maps ever since the course chevrons were introduced a few years ago on x30 devices and carried on to x40 devices. Basically the chevrons are about 30% larger if Turn Guidance is OFF compared to if it is ON, no logic to it at all but that's what happens, your chevrons are larger so I conclude that either Turn Guidance is OFF or if ON as you say then it has not been applied to those routes but to the ghost routes somewhere remote to your loaded course.

    If you could zoom out far enough you might find the ghost course, maybe back in France where your rode previously or some other previous ride.

    One of mine, started and after a few kms noticed the chevrons were gone, nothing would get them back, I carried on for another 35 kms, turned a corner and up ahead was the pink route of a ride I had done about a month before, as you can see I and the virtual partner are on the loaded (green) course but there is an entire other course (pink) with chevrons and its own start and finish. When I started to cross this other route the instructions started until I had finished crossing 


  • Thanks a lot for all the help.

    Seen your last post I just checked  agin concerning Turn Guidance ON or OFF

    I had this after purchase: Navigation Instruction: tekst only and HAD in the saved course menu, 3 dots, Turn Guidance always ON.

    Now as I checked again after your post, I see that the Turn Guidance is OFF.

    When I turn it on again it seems to be as before.

    Will check a route asap to see if it really works again, but thanks a lot for pointing that.

    Asuming this is it I have two conclusions:

    I have the same issue as you with instruction of a previous ride (France) show in the upper bar of the map (which shouldn't be there as Turn Guidance was OFF)

    How come that the device jumps and decided to put the navigation course menu, 3 dots, Turn Guidance on OFF as I haven't done that since I wasn't even aware of this menu (have set it 6 months ago going through the manual I guess)

    Would it have to do with a software update? No idea, have you?

    The other issue of WIFI synching to fails remains. Tried at work but a different/new network was not solving this issue.

    Am I the only one haveing WIFI SYNCHING failures /  issues?

  • In the past I have found that some version updates will change some settings, most usually the Turn Guidance, now I always chech after each new software update.

    Regarding the Wi-Fi "sync fail" message, check that it actually fails or not, I have had this messages for a number of software versions now BUT it actually up loads all rides and downloads new software versions and GPS files and then says "sync fail"

  • To test this I first have put OFF the Bluetooth of my smartphone, to be sure that the deivice can only use WIFI.

    Then I made a short route on Strava and tried to sync it.

    Unfortunately nothing happens.

    Thought to push that by trying to pust 'check for updates (for software)' however still no result.

    By setting Bluetooth ON (on smartphone) the course pops up quite quick.

    Lost in the dark here...

  • Another of Garmin’s many mysteries? There are threads saying wi-fi does not work and threads saying sync only works on wi-fi and not Bluetooth ? Has wi-fi ever worked for you, there is a possibility your device has a problem with wi-fi, might be job for Garmin support.

  • Yes WIFI worked on my device as I tested it previously as per above:

    To test this I first have put OFF the Bluetooth of my smartphone, to be sure that the deivice can only use WIFI.

    Then I made a short route on Strava and did sync it.

    The same I did with some short activities at home and at work, when I one day forgot to take my smartphone with me...

    But now WIFI is not synchronizing any longer.