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Strava (not Garmin after all) broke climbpro

I've seen a few posts on this and made some myself, but I now have conclusive evidence that Garmin have broken climbpro in the transfer of routes from Strava (and maybe other platforms) to Garmin Connect.

The problem is that Garmin recalculates the elevation data, but makes a mess of it. The image below is the elevation of the same route (via GPSVisualizer), one trace is  from Strava, and one is from Garmin Connect after transferring it through the API (favourite the route in Strava and it comes through automatically).

Heres the Garmin vs Strava elevation at the start of the route

and here it is at the end

Heres the full trace, at the start of the elevation profile its fine, at the end its way out.

  • I've raised a case with Garmin and provided all the relevant info and they're investigating. Hopefully they'll be able to find the error quickly and resolve it.

  • Yes it was IRL I started seeing climbpro out of sync, with where I was on a climb. Investigation showed that right now the issue is the route recalculation in the route transfer API from Strava but sounds like from that link you posted there have been other issues too. 

  • Got the same issue with routes from Komoot. For example the grade is shown with the correct percentage, like +10%, but at the same time the elevation profile is pointing downwards. It is super frustrating when you cannot trust the elevation data and plan ahead.

  • Update 3rd April 2022. Still not fixed. A few friends did the Tour of Flanders at the weekend, and climbpro was useless because of this bug.


    GP Lama raised this problem and linked your findings. Hopefully the solution will come soon enought…

  • It's great that a well known YouTube profile like GP Lama has looked in to this. I hope DC Rainmaker does the same.

    The workaround is to manaullt export the GPX from Strave to \Garmin\New Files\.

    Where does the elevation offset come from? Strave og Garmin API how's to blame for this bug? Can it be an error when it is convertet into FIT files?
    Have anyone tryied this with RWGPS and Komoot lately?
    Komoot has smothing on elevation data. I've had problemes with RWGPS Climb Pro lag before. But havn't tried it the last two years.

  • Yes I've been messaging back and forth with Shane on it, hopefully it'll help Garmin fix it. Properly weird and interesting issue, would love to know whats going on.

  • For those seeing this issue, could you provide what region these courses were for. I'm wondering if it is map/region specific.

    I've created a number of courses using Strava and compared the GPX output from Strava with the FIT file from GC and have no differences. 

  • Mine were in the UK, gplama had some in Aus, and friends from our club had the same issue in Belgium last weekend. I've been busy at work and haven't had time to do more testing, but like you I am seeing some routes which don't have the issue, but haven't found the common factor. I don't know if its age, direction, whether the routes already been copied and is cached, or something else. Super intriguing.