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Navigation screen problem ?

Ok , its probably user error,  my old 830 was fine ( nice big 3d arrow thats now gone :-(   )  One more moan before i get onto my other moan, how the *** do you see this screen in shadows, its almost invisible, maybe its a solar issue and the fact I need reading glasses, and there's me thinking the big 1040 would be easier to see than my 830 lol. 

Any way, the point of my question. When I stop on the bike while navigating to have a proper look at the display map to work out a complicated direction and to get my bearings the bloody map screen keeps rotating, this is with the handle bars set dead ahead, its not good for my orientation and makes its hard for me to actually get my bearings from the screen. 

Is this a bug or something i need to get used to ? 

  • Nothing to do with the car
    I tested in different locations and got a common result
    When I face north, the edge raises any angle, the map never rotates
    When I face west or east, the map wobbles slightly and rotates less
    When I face south, the rotation of the map is the largest

  • Have you calibrated the electronic compass ?

  • I used 1030plus in the past, and I calibrated the compass, but it didn't improve
    1040 I don’t know how to correct the compass, I don’t think there should be any improvement
    Just drove the car test edge 1040 and got a clearer conclusion
    The fixed position of edge, driving to the north, the map will not rotate when parking
    Driving in other directions, when parked, the map will rotate back to true north

    "The edge 1040 is affected by the earth's magnetic field, and the map turns back to true north"