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Navigation screen problem ?

Ok , its probably user error,  my old 830 was fine ( nice big 3d arrow thats now gone :-(   )  One more moan before i get onto my other moan, how the *** do you see this screen in shadows, its almost invisible, maybe its a solar issue and the fact I need reading glasses, and there's me thinking the big 1040 would be easier to see than my 830 lol. 

Any way, the point of my question. When I stop on the bike while navigating to have a proper look at the display map to work out a complicated direction and to get my bearings the bloody map screen keeps rotating, this is with the handle bars set dead ahead, its not good for my orientation and makes its hard for me to actually get my bearings from the screen. 

Is this a bug or something i need to get used to ? 

  • There is no calibration option on the 1040, at least on the last firmware…

  • There is, but it is hidden from easy access. Let me go find it.

  • I sent you a private message with the instructions.

  • Going to try as soon as get home, will put here the results. 

  • So I managed to calibrate the EDGE 1040, and when comparing with the FENIX 7 it is much better. Concerning the navigation/screen rotation , I will try it next Sunday. 

  • Interesting, i never did get round to calibrating the compass on my old unit. The new unit the shop replaced my unit with does rotate when stopped but after a few seconds it returns to a heading straight a head so is readable, unlike my old unit it would stay 180 degrees out. 

    When I fist posted this thread there was very few replies leading me to believe i was the only one with this problem, it would now seem it is an issue for a few. 

    My compass was out on the 1040 compared with my other devices . 

    I also ran mine on an ebike with a kiox ( bosch) display but that had no bearing on the problem, it would be the same holding the unit while walking. 

    All I can offer hear is my old unit when stopped would stay at 180 degrees in the wrong direction after it finished spinning, my new unit spins for a few seconds then resumes the correct direction and orientation . 

    I never did get to the bottom of the Garmin help team, it was impossible for me to give them the files they asked for because they were to big regardless of how i split them down although they did offer to help in the 1st instance . 

  • Did you managed to calibrate the compass on the new unit ?

  • So the compass uses two different sets of data depending on if you are moving or are stationary.

    If you are moving it uses the GPS data to determine the direction of travel. When you stop it switches to using the magnetic compass to determine which way the unit is facing.

    If the compass direction changes when you stop then it is an indication that the magnetic compass needs to be re-calibrated.

    The unit has an auto-calibrate function, but it does not always appear to handle ever case. That is when you need to do a manual calibration.

  • Yes, see my previous post. I even posted pictures of it. However, I have not yet tried to navigate and use the map …so I do not know if the screen turn annoyance is gone.